Friday, June 26, 2009

Outback with the Owens

Last night Frank and I went out to eat with Brigg and Dianne Owens. We had a really fun time. We loved hanging out with them because they are so cool!
They suggested we eat at Outback. It was nice because I had not eaten there in over two years. I had boycotted them because they wouldn't hire me as a server way back when. I had went there to get a job, and the manager seemed really excited about my interest, and he acted like he would love having me work there, but when I went to take the personality test, I failed. Oh, yeah! Me...a nice southern girl...couldn't pass a personality test!!! I didn't get it! The manager reluctantly told me my results and sent me on my way. Wow! That was a shocker to me. Then, I applied at Chili's and failed their test too! Oh, gracious! I started to really get a complex. How in the world do you FAIL a personality test! Speaking of which, we have a friend here who is the epitome of goodness. He is fun, active, and a rock of a person. He is literally one of the best guys I have ever met, not only in character, but in personality too. Well, he took a personality test for the police academy, and they told him he had "character issues." I couldn't believe he failed as well. Are you serious!?
My husband said I don't know how to answer the questions. He said I need to answer them according to what they want to hear. For example, giving zeros or 100%, and nothing in between. Okay, well, I didn't do that. I was completely honest, giving a range of percentages for how I feel. Who is happy or has energy 100% of the time? Not me, or ANYONE else, but I guess they want you to lie. In real life, though, I bet I do quite well compared to others! I guess I have too much character because I never lie. Ask my kids...I've never even told them there was a Santa Claus because I don't want to lie to them...LOL!!!
Frank and Brigg get along well because they have similar interests in life. Brigg's a good guy.
Dianne shows me up as a mom. She is always doing stuff with her kids and coming up with cool activities with them. She's very creative and talented. She has a great, fun spirit about her, and she is genuinely nice. I love her! She's amazing!
We definitely have to get up with them again.
Furthermore, this post reminds me that I desperately need a camera!!! My camera phone stinks! Urgghh!


Liz Ann said...

Yeah, what is up with your camera? Those pictures sucked. I can't even tell who is in them.

Rebekah Del Priore said...

ditto on what Liz Ann said!

April said...

Maybe your just TOO nice. They don't want you giving away free drinks and desserts and stuff. Or maybe the people that wrote those tests are psycho.

It looks like you had a good time, but the picture were a little dark!

Leigh This Way said...

I can't believe that you would fail a personality test! Maybe it just says that you're too nice :)

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

I agree with April. Maybe the test writers are people who have personality issues themselves or have no personalities and have a vendetta against people who always shine out in the crowd so they skewed the test so that it would flunk the ones who wuold normally ace it. Who decides what a good personality is anyway. In mmy book and in my short experience with southern folk, you take the cake. You have a great personality and Outback and chili's can stick it. What does that say for people who pass the test? Hmmmm.... Luke passed the Olive Garden test! I am going to go talk with him. PS you do need a new camera!

jennifer said...

There is NO WAY anybody could show YOU up as a MOM! NOT POSSIBLE!

Brigg and Dianne said...

That was such a fun night! I am so glad we got together and were able to visit and get to know each other better! We don't deserve the sweet things you said about us though. I feel like I am constantly coming up short as a mom. Let's get together again soon!