Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WooHoo!!!! Spring Semester is Over!

Omg, omg, omg, omg!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! I can not tell you how happy I am! WooHoo!!!! Yippee! Yes! Yes! Yes! This excitement all comes from getting a C in A&P. That's right, a C! I've never been satisfied with anything less than an A before. (Y'all know I was sad when my 4.0 dropped last semester to a 3.82.) However, my C feels like an A, a tremendous accomplishment! Again, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I have never had so hard of a professor in my life! He made us memorize our entire course book, along with graphs and tables. He did not exclude anything. I mean nothing! We had to know every single insignificant fact that you could wrap your mind around. Holy moly!!! His expectations were so unrealistic! He really thought we could learn around a 1000 page textbook of foreign terms in one semester. He never gave reviews. Nothing! Whooooop! Whoooooop!!! I got a C! I passed! Yay!!!!!!! I swear I feel like celebrating so hard! I have never sweated over a grade so much in my life! Y'all should have seen my exuberant display when I looked at my posted grade. I was jumping, twirling, shouting, giggling, and making sounds you only hear from a middle schooler. Oh, yeah! That was me today! :)So what am I going to do now? Hmmmmmm.....(I had to do this face because Gabriel was famous for this when he was a baby. Hilarious!)
Any suggestions?


Sarah and Jesse said...

Way To Go GIRL!!! I know that feeling.... And I am with a C is passing..

Tara said...

You look like you are ready to have lunch with me or go on a fun date with your hubby!

Marina said...

Tara, BOTH!!!!

Boren Family said...

YAY!!! Now take a bath and relax :)

Kristin said...

I'm glad you got through it. Now you can relax a bit.

Unknown said...

Yay!! Congrats, congrats! I know the feeling. I Felt like that with my A&P classes and microbiology. I"ll tell you what, you look so stinking cute in those pictures. I love your shirt!

April said...

It sounds like you should have gotten an A for all the hard work you did! I'm happy for you, that's great!!!

Mary McDonald said...

"Mary was here..." J/K!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how bad you were sweating that one. What a relief! Now we definitely have something to celebrate in SC....

Love ya and proud of you!

BTW - I crop my photos at 300dpi and they're 4x6's, so anyone can "steal" them and they're still print quality

Heather said...

Go use that massage Noah so graciously won for you and then have Frankie take you out. Oh and don't forget dessert! =)

Pamela said...

RELAX!!!!! I hope that you get some quality rest time! You have earned it!

House of Squitty said...

You cracked me up with those faces. Congrats on making the grade. Now....relax and have fun while you can!!

Liz Ann said...

YAY!!!!! That class must have been super hard if you only got a C. I feel for ya. Now we can party down in SC!

BTW.. you look very pretty in all the pics. In must be the tan.

Leigh This Way said...

Hooray! I know what you mean. I was like that with Organic Chemistry in undergrad and then with Medicinal Chemistry in pharmacy school. Both courses had a ridiculous amount of info to know plus they're both really hard to start with. Congrats! Now its time to celebrate and enjoy the summer!

Mary Beth said...

1. why do you still look hot when doing a goofy face?
2. I LOVE your shirt combo. It's is so pretty.
3. Congrats on passing - that was always my goal, just to pass.