Sunday, May 10, 2009

Aliante Ward Luau

We had a ward Luau Saturday night, and let me just say it was amazing! I have never been to a better ward function. We have several polynesian families that go to our church so they really put things together for us to enjoy. Part of my Mother's Day gift was to have my hubby by my side. He normally works weekends, but he skipped cheauffering to be with me. I'm so glad!I love wearing Lava Lava's! They are so fun! I was trying to be as authentic as possible.
Did it work? LOL!

The first thing we did was eat. The youth were in charge of serving.Brandon and Billy were dishing out punch.The food was awesome! We love Hawaiian cuisine...yum!Gabriel had a memorable time. He said he LOVED it!

Not only did the youth serve the food, they learned Hawaiian dances over the past couple of months and performed for us.This was the coolest thing ever! I was so proud of them!

We ended the night with a lot of dancing! Brandon and I had so much fun!!!

Brandon singing to me...awwww! He was great!

Brandon was really getting down! He's got some smooth moves, and outstanding rhythm.This is my feeble attempt to sing and dance at the same time. LOLGabriel entertained the girls. He loved hanging out with them. Kela thoroughly enjoyed the music! She was smiling the whole time.

Noah ran off and played with a bunch of kids. I didn't see him until close to the end of night. He was playing tag and such.

Oh, but get this: The youth were having a silent auction to raise money for their scouting and camping events and Noah went around and put his name on the items he wanted. He even put in the bids too. Erica Wyatt came up and told me he was buying all kinds of stuff. They asked if I wanted to erase them, and I said no. I thought it was so cute! He bought $40 cookies, $30 brownies, and $100 monthly cookies. LOL!!!

I also got me a massage, and a super cool picture frame. WooHoo!!...all in all I spent $270. All for the youth, right? I figure I got out cheap, though, because last year my hubby went without me and spent over $700. He was overly zealous. ;)

p.s. Frankie was absent because he was on a date.


Liz Ann said...

Oh my goodness! Noah cracks me up once again. I wish our ward did stuff like that. Sounds like y'all had lots of fun.

And you are looking pretty tan, and I love your skirt. You can send me one for my birthday ;)

Tara said...

I am so sad I missed the ward party. I guess it was worth it since I was visiting Scott in CA. I heard it was fabulous! You look good out there on the dance floor!

Unknown said...

That's hilarious that Noah put the bids in all by himself.

You defifinitely documented this WAY better than me. I wish I could just cut and past your post. Love it!!

Leigh This Way said...

I wish our ward did cool things like this. It looks like tons of fun!

Mary Beth said...

I need a lesson in how to tie a lava lava! I have one and want to wear it on our cruise but have NO clue how to tie it.
Kela looks so pretty.