Friday, May 8, 2009

New Camera

My hubby finally bought me a new camera. (I've been without one since December.) Yay! He came home and snapped this first picture--unexpectedly. Hahaha! I find this shot hilarious! Look at my face! It's like, "I am totally drained from cramming for finals! Get that camera out my face!" Of course, this is where my hubby found me...with my nose in the books! Just one more week! WooHoo! Then I'll have a three week break!
Thanks, babe, for my camera. I love it!!!


April said...

Oooo...what kind of camera is it? I hope you have fun with it!

House of Squitty said...

Yay! Now we can see more pictures and they won't be from your camera phone! You look darling in the pic by the way, you look like a 20 year old.

Liz Ann said...

Yay! Now you can have something to take pics when you come see me