Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day--Swimming

We went to a pool party/BBQ/going away/B-day celebration for Tyler Idland. He's leaving for the Middle East this week, and will be gone for a year, so we were seeing him off. We wanted to show our support, especially since it was Memorial Day!Gabriel said the water was freezing! I don't know if he would have gotten in if it were not for the fact that he got pushed.Once in, though, he enjoyed it. Noah had a great time!
He was shivering, though, when he finally decided to step out.
I just layed out in the sun the whole time. Those who know me, know that I don't step foot in cold water. It has to be quite warm before I'll get in. I needed the rays anyway. It was very relaxing. Dad stayed home with Kela. Brandon was out with Carly, and Frankie was working.


nicole said...

thanks again for coming! i'm with you.. i won't get in if it is cold! and it was too cold for carter, so it was a good excuse for me to not get in! =D
we had tons of fun and tyler was so excited that he got to hang out with everyone one more time before he leaves tomorrow. he was a little overwhelmed by how many people were there, but he was so happy that everyone came to say bye!

Leigh This Way said...

I'm with you on that one. If the water is cold, why get in when you can stay warm by laying out?!

April said...

Looks like you had a very fun and full day!