Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day--Bowling

We woke up EARLY and went bowling. This plan originated in the fact that Frankie had to work morning shift, and needed to clock in at 9:45. Consequently, we decided to have some family time before he left. However, when it was time to go, Frankie wouldn't wake up. He refused to get out of bed, so we went without him. His loss! We picked up breakfast at McDonalds, because we knew the snack bar wouldn't be open at 7 am!
Brandon brought his girlfriend, Carly. We told her she had to talk trash in place of Frankie, since he wasn't there.
We split the teams: Brandon, Gabriel, and Carly VS Dad, Mom, and Noah.
Dad got real concerned on the first game.
Yeah! Not so good for our team the first round. We had to get warmed up!!! Noah was disappointed we didn't win. Our scores were terrible!
Dad missing a spare.
Gabriel disappointed with his performance.
Noah giving it his all!
Next rounds:
Uh, it's a close one!
Sorry, youngens! The parents pulled it out...The adults won the last two games. Whooop! Whooop! Thanks, Noah, for your help! =)


Mary Beth said...

what a fun activity!!!

Leigh This Way said...

That looks like so much fun! I haven't been bowling in forever (real bowling not Wii bowling!)