Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Frankie's Fun Date

Frankie asked Alana Lee out on a date and, fortunately, she accepted. However, they had a hard time deciding on what to do. After a long deliberation, Alana suggested that they dress goofy and roller blade to the closest restaurant. LOL! Frankie told her that she asked the right guy to do something like that, and he was all game! So, they got decked out in there best attire and journeyed to Chili's, since it was nearby. Frankie was a little worried that he would not be able to stop at the crossroads, or down the hills, since he's not good at braking! However, he survived. It just made for a goofier presence, right? LOL!Alana was supposed to wear pigtails, but she said she forgot.

I'm so glad my kids know how to laugh at themselves and have fun!

Oh, and Frankie told the waitress at Chili's that it was Alana's birthday, so they brought her out a cake and sang to her. Alana played along, acted surprised, and enjoyed her gift, even though it wasn't her special day. ;)

This is definitely a date I would have enjoyed. Shucks, in reality, I'd get a kick out of it today! LOL! Why can't the majority of people be more light-hearted?


Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

Hi Marina! I am so excited I just found your blog. I think you and your family are fabulous. You always make me smile. Thanks. This date acutally makes me wish I was dating again too. Aaaah! So fun. What good sports.

Liz Ann said...

This is so typical of Frankie. I know they had fun. Can't wait for him to come live with us....

And what a coincidence we ate at Chili's last night too.

Leigh This Way said...

So cute! I just love it when guys can be original!

Mary Beth said...

seriously, I LOVE it when guys aren't too "macho" to have fun. What a fun date!