Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Easter is the biggest holiday for our family. We have a huge reunion with my Father's siblings, and all of their predecessors. We are close to the 100 mark in attendance. We eat, play games galore, and compete in all sorts of competitions. It is a BLAST!! This year is the second time our family was unable to attend. Unfortunately, because of school schedules, it was not possible to make the trip. My kids were pretty depressed, because they love spending time with their cousins, and were not able to do that. At least when we missed the other time, we were on a Western Carribean cruise so the kids didn't mind as much. However, this time it was very disappointing for all of us.

Consequently, I kind of had in my mind that we weren't going to do anything for Easter since we weren't going to be at the reunion, so I didn't prepare supplies for the occasion. However, Saturday night Gabriel asked if I was going to do baskets. I told him that I wasn't planning on it, and he reacted with deeper disappointment. It was then that I realized that I still needed to show some gesture of the holiday spirit. Consequently, I ran down to Wal-Mart to fulfill my motherly duty. Yeah...it's not good to procrastinate! There was little to choose from. They didn't even have any hams to cook. Well, I managed to round up enough things to present something to the kids. (ching-ching...money's always good)

Easter morning, I did not mention any tradition of the Easter baskets. I didn't send them scurrying through the house to look for them. Nothing was ever said. We got ready and went to church like any other Sunday. After returning home, we gathered to eat our family meal. As we were together, Little Frankie started to chastise me (in a loving way) about not doing anything for Easter. He assured me he was not concerned for himself, but rather concerned that Noah and Kela were being slighted of their childhood experience. He spoke of how fun it is to look for baskets on Easter morning, and that it is one of the great things about the holiday. Then Brandon joined in the ribbing and supported Frankie in what he was saying. I let them continue on about it, because I liked knowing that the tradition meant something to them. All three of my older boys had expressed their joy in this tradition at some time this weekend.

(my dishwasher is broke ;( ...not good!)

(multi-tasking...eating and watching the masters)

Finally, I informed them that they were not forgotten or passed over, but we hadn't done the search earlier because their dad was sleeping (he works the entire Sat. evening, so he sleeps in on Sun. mornings...gets up in time for priesthood session, and takes sacrament with the other ward). Oh, boy! Did they get excited! They were ready to dart from the table, but I had to hold them back! I loved seeing their intense enthusiasm. It truly made my day. And, you know who the ring leader of the bunch was? My 19 year old! LOL...I guess he has had many years of experience so he was ready for another round. I loved it! Watching them look for their treats was a sheer delight.

The line-up!This is supposed to be a silly picture...what is up with Gabriel and Brandon?Again, who doesn't understand the word "silly?" Oh, well...Frankie was the most energetic!Brandon was the last to find his treat...he was concentrating on an I-touch game, so was distracted.Kela loved her purse filled with goodies! She has not put it down yet! Around the dinner table, she started cracking up at me...adorable!Gabriel hunted intensely and loved his money!Noah had the funniest experience. He was the first person to find something. However, it wasn't for him. He got disappointed that he couldn't keep the money, but had to keep searching for his gift. He got frustrated because it couldn't be found. Finally, he found his new bookbag filled with games and goodies, and it remedied his sad countenance. He was happy again! He was on an emotional roller coaster...LOLPlaying Noah's new game, Trouble...Dad won...twice!!! He never doubted! You know, he was talking trash!

Later that evening we watched Elder Hollands talk from conference...definitely an appropriate Easter message to end a great day. We didn't need a reunion after all! We just needed each other to share in a special moment.


nicole said...

awww looks like they had fun! i'm glad you got into the easter spirit =] it took me a little while too, but i finally got into it around 3 that afternoon lol. FINALLY got the family's baskets ready and carter LOVED eating his easter eggs. didn't really enjoy the basket full of toys as much as he enjoyed throwing hard boiled eggs all over the floor lol. ahh, maybe next year...

Leigh This Way said...

I'm 24 and I love knowing that every easter (or holiday for that matter) that my mom is going to have some little goodie bag for me so I know how Frankie felt. =)

Poor Noah, glad he was happy once he finally found his backpack.

Angel said...

awww! It was mos def different this year w/o all you CRAZYS!!

State of Grace said...

i love reading about your family!! you guys are soo cute, and might i add, that it is CRAZY seeing all your kids all grown up?? For some reason they are all trapped in my mind at the age they were in Sumter....

Pamela said...

I love the pictures of everyone! I can't believe how much they have all grown!!!!! It seems like yesterday that Lizzie, Jennifer, and I were holding an infant Kela. Wow time flies!!!
I know they were all excited about receiving the goodies. Those are memories they will always remember.