Thursday, April 23, 2009

Consequences of Fighting

Brandon got messages over the weekend that the boy that he fought wanted a rematch, and was planning on inititating another fight. My hubby counseled Brandon to go to the school and tell the administrators about the incident that had happened, so that they were aware of the trouble that was swirling. This way, if there was another incident, especially at school, Brandon would have shown that he was trying to avoid it. When Brandon followed this advice, the school expelled him. That's right! You heard me correctly. THEY EXPELLED HIM! They said that under their district policy, they have the right to expel students who are a threat to others, no matter where a fight is. If they sense trouble, they can terminate their enrollment. They can view any extracurricular activity as such, and that's exactly what they did! Holy cow! We tried to have Brandon do the right thing, something we felt was honorable, to respect the school, and they expelled him for it!!!

After FOUR LONG days, and speaking with three different people, trying to overturn the decision, we finally got permission for Brandon to be back in school. HOWEVER! He is in a special alternative class now. He can not set foot into the school building (not even for seminary). He is in a portable outside of the school, and has his classwork given to him there. It's a behavioral program. He can not be on any county school campus or event. He has to wear a uniform. He is under strict guidelines! Fortunately, it's just for 6 weeks. Thank goodness school is almost out! However, Brandon is on fragile ground. If he makes any mistake, he will be out. He will be walking this fine line until he graduates.

This whole situation has baffled me. I'm still a little shaken over it. I have very mixed emotions about it all. Do I condone Brandon fighting? No! Do I think he should be held accountable and have consequences for his choice? Yes! Do I think this should be the consequence? No! He made a mistake. He's a good kid. This was his first fight EVER, and it wasn't even at school! He has a great history of GOOD behavior. For heaven's sake, he was just named Student of the Month in March. He was trying to remedy the situation and do the right thing. I don't understand the policy of the school. I don't know why they feel they have the right to discipline kids who do things way beyond their jurisdiction. Nonetheless, they did and we are dealing with it. I actually think Brandon has a lot to learn from this situation. We have talked with him extensively about it. I know he will rise above this and become a better person because of it. This trial will make him stronger, and he will be better molded for future events. As the scriptures say, "And this too shall pass..."


April said...

I'm glad that they are allowing him to go back to school, even if it's under those conditions. It's got to be tough for everyone though. I'm sure he will learn a lot from this experience, even if it causes him pain. It sounds like he's already learned a lot. And yes, this will pass!

nicole said...

wow... that's ridiculous.
but as they say, no good deed goes unpunished. that's unfortunate. so what happened to the other student then? since he was the one threatening to fight again, and i'm assuming brandon has proof of that in texts or voicemail?? he should be expelled as well, right??

Mary McDonald said...

What is up with y'alls jacked up school system?!

The world is getting so backwards!!! Everyone wants to reward BAD behavior and not good...

Does that mean we have to work harder as parents to reward good behavior since no one else does? Man that sucks, just one more thing for us to do!

Love ya and we love Brandon...

Leigh This Way said...

Wow! I can't believe that. I'm guessing that nothing happened to the other guy. That's just the way schools are now. It drives me absolutely crazy! I'm sorry for brandon.

Liz Ann said...

What? That is so rediculous! Glad he is back in school.

Mary Beth said...

wait a second - did the other boy get sent there too?