Friday, June 3, 2011

Spring Fling & Multi-cultural Night

6 May 2011

SPRING FLING @ Trigg's Elementary

(This is Noah's newly built school. He was in the first class to attend.)

I had to pay to throw Gabriel in jail, since he was hanging out with the ladies. (These two little boys were in charge of arresting people, and I told them they might have trouble with getting him. hahaha....but much to my surprise, he cooperated and graciously went with the little deputies.)

18 May 2011

Multi-Cultural Night @ Trigg's Elementary
Noah's class was in charge of representing Italy. This is a picture that Noah drew of a cathedral there.
Dad was admiring his artwork.
This is Mrs. Rutledge, Noah's teacher.
Noah was excited to hold one of the little chicks that hatched in the Kindergarten pod.

1 comment:

Leigh This Way said...

They had chicks hatch at his school?! How neat!