Friday, June 3, 2011

Brandon Turns 19

15 May 2011

We celebrated Brandon's 19th birthday a day late, because he wanted to hang out with friends instead....figures. ;)He doesn't really like cake, so I made him a strawberry pie. I get two thumbs up for that decision! :)

The photo above is Brandon the year before (2010). I never blogged about it, so this pic is a flashback and an effort of me trying to make up for my slackness.
Ashley came over to celebrate too. We grilled out and watched Grease, since Michelle had never seen that movie....yeah! You heard me. She had never seen it. Wow!

Dad was excited about something...WHAT I do not know. However, I know he was excited to use his new grill for Brandon. Actually, it's a Traeger smoker, and he is ecstatic to have it. He used Frankie as an excuse for this purchase. He told Frankie he could have his Weber, to which he told me he needed to get something new. Well, this is what he wanted...

Doesn't look like much, does it?

Well, he has been having so much fun with it! He's made brisquet (JUICY), tri-tips (AHH), pork loins (okay), prime rib (Mmmm), skewers (1st batch the seasoning was off, 2nd batch much better), filet mignon (HEAVENLY), pork ribs (GREAT), babybacks (GREATER), corn (SCRUMPTUOUS), etc. etc. Seriously, just about everything. He is cooking on it all of the time. He has different types of wood pellets to cook with: apple, pecan, cherry, mesquite, onion, and garlic. I do have to say that the food tastes AMAZING! I'm really impressed with the product. If anyone wants to do a driveby, I'm sure there's a good chance you will see my hubby outside grillin' something up...and you'll get a wiff of something delicious!
Oh, and while my hubby is grillin', I am churnin'....HOMEMADE icecream! Yummm! I have a whole freezer full if you want to get a taste! (I posted some recipes on my family's cooking blog if you want to try them out yourself. MMmmmmm)

1 comment:

Leigh This Way said...

They were selling those grills at costco and they were doing demo grills outside and they smelled soo good! (Yes they did demos outside just like the ones they had inside cause the company was trying to sell the grills. It was pretty neat)

Happy Birthday Brandon! All of your kids are getting so BIG! (Tell him to put a shirt on next time ;) hehehe)