Friday, June 3, 2011

Frankie's Reception

30 April 2011
There was plenty of food...Philipino food (not all pictured). :) It was really awesome! These were the ladies who were responsible for it all (minus me, of course). They did a wonderful job. They came in from Utah and California to cook for Michelle. :) They are her aunt and cousins. Frankie and Michelle were nice and did not smear any cake on each other. Thank goodness.

They toasted to a happy marriage, which I'm sure they will have. Yes, indeed, we are proud of them! The parents were celebrating that kids were leaving the nest. Hahaha! Oh, yeah! LOL I finally have a normal daughter! Orrrrr, issss sheeee??? Hahaha...Nah, Michelle is awesome! We love that she is now a part of our crazy home. She fits in perfectly. :)
Frankie's new family. (Hey, Frankus. You need to get your tan on!!!) Kela enjoying herself.
Brotherly fun (Again, Brandon left for prom.)
Opening gifts Playing with guests
**This was kind of an exclusive get-together. Basically, it was our family getting introduced to Michelle's family. Remember, we only had about a week's notice. However, there were a few people that the couple wanted to share in this moment with them... Best friend (Parker--returned missionary from the Mississippi bayou...hahaha! He's now an official southern boy too! LOL)
Plus, the Harmon's got a special invite, because they are a family that Frankie truly loves and admires. They have touched his heart greatly over the time we have been here.

When Frankie and Michelle are sealed in the temple next year, my family plans to make a trip out and we will have another celebration. Southern style. :)

1 comment:

Leigh This Way said...

I'm so happy for Frankie. (BTW the pic of the Harmon family totally cracks my up!)