Friday, June 3, 2011

Brandon & Ashley's Prom

30 April 2011
Okay. Brandon has had the bestest friend in the whole world: Ashley Rumsey. They have been buddies for four years now, and have been there for each other through so much during that time. It's probably fair to say, though, that Ashley has had to pick Brandon up more than he has had to pick her up. ;) Anyway, Ashley was a little down because her date for prom was kind of falling through, so Brandon being the great friend that he is decided to swoop her up and take her himself (even though he's already graduated...haha). He devised a great plan in asking her. I helped him put together an awesome video of the two of them depicting their life for the last four years (I couldn't upload it because my computer lost it...ugh...I'll have to get it from Ashley). It had tons of pictures set to the music of Bruno Mars "Count on Me." The song itself had the perfect lyrics for their relationship. You can listen to it here. Anyway, the whole thing made me cry watching it. You can tell they are sooo happy together. At the end of the video, Brandon expressed how she is his best friend and just talked about how he feels about her, and then pointed for her to turn around....uhhhh....yeah....surprise! Her mom snuck him into her house, so he was behind her as she finished watching the video, and then he stood there with flowers in hand, with a poster that asked, "Prom????" Of course, she said yes, and I'm pretty sure it made her day!!! A few days later, Ashley presented Brandon with his own little video responding "yes" to him. She made up a video rapping about the funny! She had her little brother and sister as back-up beat boxers. Hahaha! It was very creative. :)
Brandon wanted the night to go very special for her, and she did say she felt like a princess later in the evening. :) He took her to the dance, out to eat at The Top of the World restaurant over the Stratosphere, and bought them tickets to see Jersey Boys at the Palazzo. The $400+ he spent on her was worth it. He admits that Ashley is the one girl he would do anything in this world for, and he would rush to her side in a skinny minute for anything. He just loves her to death!

Here are some of the pics that I took of them before they headed out...

Can't you tell he adores her?

They got a free popsicle from a guy at the park...

Look at those blue eyes...
What a pair!!!

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