Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kela Got a Haircut

16 April 2011

Kela drives me cRaZy with some of her OCD habits!!! One of which lately has been eating her hair! I can't hardly keep it clean, because she twirls it in her fingers and sucks on it...not to mention greasing it up with food! Ughhh! Well, I had just about enough of her nonsense and decided to chop her hair off to a length where it wouldn't reach her mouth. I was determined to rid her of this aweful habit! It's so gross!

Here are the results: Before and After I told her I had to take a picture of her new look, and she was so cute to go sit on her favorite chair all by herself. She crossed her legs and started smiling! =) I think she felt special. Then I told her to show me her pretty hair and she struck this pose. Hahahaha!!!! I guess she's trying to be glamorous! What a hottie!
Then I told her to look at me and the camera...and of course she just stuck her tongue out at me instead, being a little booger! ;) That's her favorite pose for any shot...she LOVES doing the tongue thing!


Anonymous said...

kela's haircut really becomes her! I think you did great with it! give her love and kisses from grandma!!

Liz Ann said...

She is such a cutie. With her hair short now she looks like a little mini you.

Leigh This Way said...

She looks so much like you! I'm sure it will make it so much easier to get her ready in the mornings

Brigg and Dianne said...

Cute! It's nice to change things up with hair sometimes.

Angel said...

She gets that from her Aunt Mary, LoL!