Monday, March 21, 2011

SC Trip

11-14 February 2011
The boys decided to take a trip to South Carolina. It all started when my dad offered one of his time shares for us to use at some ski resort in Utah that he had reserved for Alex, but couldn't go. Well, because of school, I knew I couldn't use it. So, I asked the boys if they wanted to go. They said they would love to. However, they never let my dad know that they wanted it, and he ended up cancelling it. Unfortunately, the boys had taken off work thinking they were going on a ski trip. My dad was going to try and rearrange the trip again, but Frankie decided to just fly to South Carolina and corner my dad there about the screw up, since he couldn't get in touch with him via phone. hahahaha! He bought a ticket for he and his girlfriend to head into Charlotte, NC and arranged for Angel to pick them up. When Brandon and Noah found out that he was heading to SC, they wanted to go too! Thus, they all packed up and left for the weekend (except Gabe because of school). I have to admit, I was a little jealous! Michelle had a BLAST! It didn't take much for her to fall in love with the place. She cried when she had to leave, and swears she will move there if she doesn't get her job in Japan. That makes Frankie extremely happy! =) They played some very competitive games of Monopoly Deal. Here Michelle is beating up on her boyfriend.
(This has become a family favorite, especially for Noah. We literally play this game every day! It's awesome!) Frankie also took Michelle to Charleston where they were able to hangout with my sister and her children. They headed to Folly Beach and The Battery.
While Frankie was entertaining Michelle, Noah hung out with his cousins. They had a wild, remarkable time! When it was time for Noah to head over to his grandma's house, he cried and didn't want to go. He wanted to stay with his homies. However, his mood changed quickly, and he told Grandma the next day that he wanted to move in with her. Noah misses SC soooo much!
Brandon went around with some friends and hung out with some cousins too.
They were all sad when it was time to head back to Vegas. It was especially hard on Noah and Michelle. ;)
I wish I had more pictures, but noone has sent me any. HINT! HINT! Hey, if y'all have any (Lizzy, Angel, Bekah, Grandma) send them!!!


Brigg and Dianne said...

What a fun trip! It really is so beautiful back east, I can understand why they wanted to stay!

Liz Ann said...

WE are glad they came to visit. And NO I don't have any pics. I only had like 4 and none of them had your boys in them. I was trying to still pics from y'all, but couldn't figure out how to do it

Leigh This Way said...

How fun! Y'all should really move back! wink, wink! =)