Tuesday, March 15, 2011

GARDEN!!!! =)

15 March 2011
Today I was winding down after some brutal midterms this past week, and I decided to plant a garden. It's was kind of a spur of the moment thing--kind of hit me suddenly!!! I have to be honest, I miss plants soooo bad! I used to enjoy my wonderful garden back in the south: I had cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, blackberries, scuppernongs, apples, plums, etc (all kinds of stuff). I remember spending every single day out in the yard....and I LOVED it!!!! Here in Vegas, I've pretty much killed everything I've tried to grow.
I'm starting out small, and I REALLY hope this works! If the sun burns up another plant of mine I think I will cry!...seriously!!! Tomato, cherry tomatoes, onions, chives, bell pepper and jalapeno...pretty much I'm growing a SALSA garden! Yum! Bring on the tortilla chips!
Please, please, please, please live! I really would like a success here!
Any pointers from you Vegans out there?????


House of Squitty said...

Haha! I think that you and I are on the same wave length tonight. At least you had a successful garden at some point! I fail at it everytime.

Mary McDonald said...

A salsa garden, eh? No, you're missing cilantro, but I know you don't like it...shameful!

April said...

Good luck! I miss green and plants too. I've given up on gardening here, except for flowers and herbs which have always done well for me.

I tried to grow a vegetable garden 7 out of the almost 10 years that we lived here and failed miserably. The main problem was the heat. The plants just stop producing when it gets over 95or so.

If you have your garden in shade during a good part of the day or even most of the day, then that should help a lot. When we lived in Arizona we had a garden in full shade under a big tree and we had tomato plants that lived and produced for 11 months straight.

And just a small tip. Don't plant tomatoes/pepper plants together or very near each other. They don't grow well together. Weird, I know.

You probably have a green thumb and everything will come out perfectly!

Amelia misses you in nursery! She walks in there and looks confused when she doesn't see you. But she's doing fine. And Tina's a great leader.

Liz Ann said...

Oh gosh, not again. I hope it works out for you. You better be watering those things 3 times a day