Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mom's New Retainer

22 March 2011

I have been having food impaction in my mouth and it has been about to drive me crazy!!! I have to floss constantly throughout the day, no joke! Two spots in particular (the space between my left premolars and the space between my left molars) is quite troublesome. My dentist wants to put crowns on my teeth to close up the spaces. (Don't mind that big 'ole hunk of a filling back there! LOL Not to mention teeth whitening does not reach to my posterior teeth. Thus, my yucky yellow teeth as well. Ugh! ) Anyway, I asked my professor what other options I had so I could avoid getting crowns. She suggested that I talk to an orthodontist to see if they could close my gaps. Hmmm....not a bad idea! I would hate to have my teeth sawed off just for a 1/2-1 mm space. Therefore, I got my behind to ortho!

Here's my before shot (much whiter teeth in the anterior...hallelujah). Here's my retainer solution. It's supposed to be able to move my teeth in far enough so that food will no longer get caught. However, now I have different aggravating problems. See where that arrow is pointing? That's my canine and it is hitting the wire to my retainer and I can't completely close my mouth! Urghh! I'm going to head back to ortho and see if they can shave that tooth down some. Besides, it IS longer than the other one. Can't you tell? Plus, I have those little pointy things on the retainer that are rubbing my lip raw! Urghhh! I fear I'm going to get a blister. Hmmm...those may need to be bent in some more. I'll ask. Anyway, this is my new look. Noah said I look like a teenager and Gabriel and Brandon just said, "Eww!" Wow, my boys are great! I hope this process will help me to keep my teeth intact. I really, really, really, really, really don't want crowns. do I get rid of my crooked smile????? Too many issues...

1 comment:

Liz Ann said...

You can tell you are in dental school, because you are nick picking at every little flaw. Your smile was gorgeous and you don't need a retainer.
And yes, I agree with the boys...EEwwwhh