Friday, December 24, 2010

MAJOR Catching Up!!!

Shewww! I've spent my entire Christmas Eve editing photos and blogging! My goal was to post pictures of me and my sisters when they were in town back in August. However, I had too much to update before I could get to that. The following pictures are from the end of August until December. I'm just glad that I've finally had time to update some things. I've neglected this for too long... You know, Brandon asked why I didn't do a Christmas Newsletter, but honestly, those who read this blog have no need to hear from me in that way. Don't you think? Our entire life is online. Although we do want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
30 August 2010
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Kela and Gabriel finally started high school...don't they look extremely tired!...WooHoo for seminary!

6 September 2010
LABOR DAY Our tradition is to go bowling every Labor Day. It's always a heated competition!
And, as always, we had a great time!
Afterwards, we headed to Doc's house to grill out with his family too.
Doc works with Frank in the limo business. He's a good friend.

September 2010
Random pics...
8 October 2010

Blahahaha....look how SCARED Noah is!!!! He was freaking out!
However, he adjusted quickly and had a BLAST!

30 October 2010
Oh, look! It's Mario and Lugio thinking Princess Peach is smokin' hot!!!! They're ready to battle to get a kiss from her. Hahahaha!!!
Who do you think will win????
I was a cowgirl and Kela was an indian. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of her. She looked like Pocahontas. Also, I missed Noah during the night too...he was a race car driver. My hubby was grilling corndogs for everyone, but I was able to pull him away before the camera was put away.
Gabe transforming! LOL!

November 2010
Middle linebacker
24 November 2010
(we celebrated a day late)The Great Eight! (Snickers icecream cake)
We love our little bundle of joy!

26 November 2010
THANKSGIVING Oh course, Dad fried us some turkeys...YUM!
I definitely did not fix myself up...hahaha...I was enjoying my school break!

Our little gathering!

27 November 2010
Noah was promised that when he turned EIGHT he could go shoot some of his Daddy's guns. WooHoo! He was looking forward to it with much anticipation...
So they headed out to the desert in haste... 9 mm (notice how it kicks--LOL)
.22 pistol (I love how he closes his eyes--haha) .40 caliber Glock (This kick was so strong that he lost one of his hand grips!)
AR-15 (Fun! Fun!)

7 December 2010
We missed his first match because they started early. However, he pinned the dude. Gabriel also pinned this guy.

A happy brother!

However, this guy pinned Gabriel.
Brandon and Frankie tried to give Gabe some brotherly advice.
Unfortunately, he was so mad that he didn't want to hear it.

10 December 2010
WARD CHRISTMAS PARTY (Too much make-up...I know!)

My little shepherd singing with the angels. =)

11 December 2010
Brandon had a double date over at the house after a great night at Putt-Putt. They made homemade pizzas, salad, and watched a movie.
Great ambiance!
Ashley is awesome!

12 December 2010
CHRISTMAS ELFThis is our attempt to do a sneaky "Ding-Dong Ditch" of goodies to some families in our ward...hahaha...Gabe is SO dramatic!!!! He was determined to not get caught!

20 December 2010
DAD'S BIRTHDAY Bowling with his mom
The boys comparing scores!

The kids dancing!


Mary McDonald said...

Hello?! Do you not know your own kid's b-day? Noah's b-day is NOT the 24th, that's mine! His is the 23rd isn't it? LOL

I LOVE the boys' Halloween costumes! HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! bwahahahahah....

Marina said...

Girl! Of course I know my kids' birthdays!!! Pssshhht! Who are you doubting???? I'm neglectful, not ignorant! (I don't know if that's any better.) hahaha...we celebrated on the 24th because we couldn't all get together on the 23rd. Anyway, I wish I could have gotten all of us in Mario gear, but i was just too busy. I wanted to have Dad as Bowser, Noah as a coin, Kela as a star, and me as Daisy, but it didn't pan out. What can I say? I stink as a parent!

Liz Ann said...

Hands down y'all win the costume contest. Gabriella was hilarious. I think I am going to wake up in my sleep still crying from laughing so hard.

Leigh This Way said...

I'm in your same place. I'm way behind on out blog. Maybe I'll just do what you did to catch up. It'll sure be a whole lot easier!