Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gabe's JV Tournament/ Noah's Baptism

4 December 2010
Gabriel had his first JV wrestling tournament the following week after his Beginner's tournament. Of course, Brandon was there to help coach him.
He gave him some instruction before his matches.
However, his first match he got beat 12-1. You could tell this kid knew what he was doing. He rode Gabriel very tightly and just dominated the match. Gabriel was very upset, but we had to remind him that this tournament included wrestlers who had experience and that just because they weren't on Varsity didn't mean they didn't have took Gabe a little while to come together. However, it didn't take him long to get back on his winning streak. He won his next match. Brandon wasn't surprised. LOL!
Brandon coached Gabriel in his next match to a victory! Oh, yes!
He was very proud at that moment!
Oh, and my parents were in town to give a little support too. They were happy to see his success.
Gabriel had an awesome cheering section. LOL!

HOWEVER...we had to leave the tournament early, because Noah was being baptized! =) Isn't that awesome???? We rushed over to the church for the special occasion.
Noah wanted his Dad to baptize and confirm him a member of the church. That made him happy...and me.
We were very glad that our youngest was making such a special decision.
The boys lookin' all GQ! (Well, some of them anyway.)
Best Friends =)
Kela kept saying that she wanted to be baptized. ;) Aww!
Of course, truth be known, the real reason for my parents' visit was to come to Noah's baptism. They made a long trip to be here for him. They drove to Texas the week before to see another grandchild's (Levi) baptism too, and then kept heading west to see Noah.
Our little group together.
Bishop had Papa and I bear our testimonies during the time that we were waiting on the boys to change their clothes. I was not expecting that and kind of wished that I was speaking to Noah and not the rest of the people. LOL! However, on the ride home, I had a little chat with Noah and asked him how he felt. He said he felt "happy, awesome, special, and good!" =) I hope he'll always remember that.
Well, we rushed from the church and headed to the house to watch the Carolina/Auburn football game (SEC championship). However, I had a feeling that Gabriel still might be wrestling....SO I treked back to the school instead to find out. Boy am I glad I did. Come to find out...Gabriel was still in the running. He had won two more matches while we were away and was up to wrestle for 3rd place.
It was a hard fought out battle, but Gabriel ended up losing. They went for three rounds and Gabriel was losing 3-0. Then in the 3rd period, Gabriel got a reversal and take down with just a few seconds left...had the guy on his back, but time ran out...ugh! If he had a few more seconds to get back points, he would have won! The final score was 3-2. Oh well! He got 4th place (out of 14). That's not too shabby for his first high school tournament.
The opponent's coach spoke to Gabriel and told him that he was a very good wrestler and that if he would have come out stronger quicker, than he would have won. He stressed to Gabe to be proud of himself. I thought that was very nice of him for taking the time to talk to him. That doesn't happen very often.
Then Gabriel also got some words of encouragement from his own coach.
I really think if Brandon would had been there in his corner, he would have won. Brandon was doing a great job while he was there earlier. Anyway, Gabe is learning....and most importantly...having fun!
We're so proud of him! His record was 3-2 for the day (both wins were pins).
So now his total record is 7-3.

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