Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

25 December 2010
We started with a redneck Christmas breakfast...hahaha...southern style food served on paper and plastic! Then we ended our evening with an untraditional Christmas dinner...steak and potatoes (we were all turkeyed out and I couldn't find a ham--atleast an uncooked one, so we settled for red meat.)

Kela was the most excited about Christmas. She had been trying to get into presents for a couple of days. Even that morning she tried to grab the goods before everyone. She was hilarious!
So obviously, we let her go first. She got three pairs of boots (which she had to try all of them on...haha), and lots of scarves, clothes, and jewelry. She loved it!

Then Noah was chomping at the bits:
He got clothes, Nerf guns, and lego sets. He was pretty stoked!

We made Gabriel wait to go last, because he got his presents earlier in the week (lots of clothes), so we next moved to Brandon:
His favorite gift (besides money of course) was a Batman shirt to go with his lucky Batman boxers. LOL! He really feels like a superhero with them on...seriously...hahahaha!!!! ;)

Frankie then made his way front and center:
His favorite gift was the Chuck Norris shirt that his dad got him (because he reads jokes about Chuck daily and finds them quite amusing! There are hundreds!!!) Plus, he finally got a scarf. His mom thinks it's pretty stylish! =)

And lastly, Gabriel got to search in his stocking for goodies:
He also received a Chuck Norris shirt (he finds the jokes just as amusing). He was pretty funny trying to make deals with his siblings about exchanging candy. He ended with everything he wanted.

Well, the guns came out quickly. Brandon bought Noah a gun too, and they had an all out war with the arsenal that he had accumulated.
He got some pretty sweet automatic weapons! They shot so fast and hard that Noah ended with a black eye and Brandon looked like an Indian with a nice cherry that he received on his forehead. Plus, Brandon thought he was blinded when one went directly in his eye too. I finally told them they had to wear eye gear when they fought. Those guns aren't no joke!!!
Dad enjoyed making fun calls to wish his loved ones a merry Christmas:

Then we gathered for a family picture:
But, of course, noone could be serious! We are much too playful for that!

However, I must say that the most delightful thing of the day was watching Kela:
She was soooo excited about her clothes that she demanded to take a bath, put on an outfit, and she danced her little heart out, showing everyone what a beauty she is! She was extremely giddy and joyous over her new gems. She was by far the happiest of the bunch! She couldn't stop dancing for joy!
Then Frank and I ended the evening by joining a bunch of couples at the theater to see True Grit (hated the ending). We just love our group of friends! They are the best!


April said...

I love the pictures of Kela dancing! I'm glad that you had such a great Christmas!

Leigh This Way said...

Kela is soo adorable! I can't believe how grown up all of your boys are.

Angel said...

Aww! Finally showing her age. But without the attitude. Aren't you lucky?! That girl is precious.