Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dental Hygiene School

I am so far behind in posts...but I figured I would post a picture of what is CONSUMING my life right now...Dental Hygiene school, of course!!! This is a part of our small class (29 total students) in our locker room.
Claudia, Jacqueline, Viona, Rolanda, Ashly, Me, Brooke, Jen, Janice, Josselyn, Niki
Viona, Brooke, Rolanda, Jen, Elizabeth, Janice, Josselyn, Kelly, Me (I can't wear my bangs down)

We have tests every day and we have a rigorous schedule, but I am really enjoying it. My experience is nothing like I thought it would be. (I heard horror stories before going into the program, but it's been all good so far.) I get to start practicing on my husband next week (he's my patient) if you see him with chopped up gums and bleeding tissues, know that his inexperienced wife hacked him up. Hahaha! However, I told him when the teacher comes around to check on me, he better smile and act like everything is painless and blissful! LOL! He's got to suck it up and take it like a man!!!! ;) There better not be any grunts or yelling!!! hahahahaha!!!!! He better make me look good!

LOL! Nah!!! I think I'm actually going to do okay! I'm getting the precision down pretty well and my coordination isn't too bad. I think I can insert my bladed instruments under his gums and not tear him up...atleast not mangle him. ;) We'll see...


April said...

You're one busy lady, that's for sure!

Brigg and Dianne said...

I am so excited for you! I know things are crazy for you right now, but it won't be like this forever, and I know you'll do so well, and be so glad that you did it when you're finished! Just know that there are many, many people out there cheering for you!!!

Angel said...

That's so exciting! I'm feeling jealous though, I still desire going to school for that.

Leigh This Way said...

I'm so proud of you but I have no idea how you do it with 5 kids and a hubby. Congrats!

Erika @ Andover ClOthing said...

Sorry to crash on your blog, but I happened across your fabulous post about your Night in Bethlehem ward activity last year. I was wondering if you had notes or anything that you could send me as our ward just decided we will be doing that THIS year! So I'm trying to learn from others in an effort to get this done quickly. You can contact me at erika_pike[at]yahoo[dot]com