Monday, August 2, 2010

Job Hunting

March 2010
Dental Hygiene Progression:
December 2009--finished all pre-req classes
January 2010--took final entrance test (had to do it twice because I got kicked out of the first one because my phone alarm went off during my test!!!! I got special permission to re-test because normally they make you wait 3 months, which would have made me miss my deadline and I would have had to wait an entire year to submit packet--the Lord answered my prayers--what a blessing! At the time, though, I was so scared!)
February 2010--submitted packet
March 2010--got acceptance letter WOOHOO!!!! (Only top 30 gets in!)

Knowing that I had six months before my program started, I decided to get a different job other than Payless. I wanted to find something in the tip industry, so that I could make decent money without putting in a lot of hours. Well, I landed a job at Applebee's. I was so excited!!! I love helping people and I like being cheerful, so this job was something I knew I would enjoy...not to mention...the money is not bad. I make around $25-28/hr. Yes!!! MUCH better than Payless. It's even better than Manager pay! Love it!!!! Thanks, hun, for talking me into this.

Also, Frankie decided to dump Payless too. He landed a job as an Assistant-Locksmith and has done really well for himself. He loves what he does!!! The challenge of breaking into locks (houses) and re-keying the locks is an activity that he thoroughly enjoys. He's now hoping to advance to an official locksmith and increase his pay substantially. He's looking forward to that. In the meantime, he is still taking online classes and will have his Associates degree in the Fall. Then, he will be transferring to UNLV.


Liz Ann said...

Why would you even dought yourself that you would get in? You are the the BEST! Of course you would make it in. Good luck with your next classes

Kaycee said...

So fun reading the updates! You'll do great, Marina!