21 July 2011
I took Kela back down for another night of Girl's Camp. The program was about going to the temple. (Remember the overall theme was Steady the Course, so...) The leaders had a cruise ship that ported at different locations around the world. They had on display beautiful framed photos of every operating temple (134). Each was represented in a special way. It was to remind the girls of their goals to one day be sealed with their families there. The girls ate all kinds of different cuisines while on their cruise. (It was yummy.) This temple is the San Diego temple (can't really see it because we're in the way). It has special meaning to my husband, because it was there that he went to pray for Kela when she was in the Children's Hospital after she was born. He received much peace about her and knew that even though the doctors gave her a zero percent chance to live, she would be fine. Other special temples to our family: Atlanta (where my family was sealed in 1993), Columbia (where we saw Pres. Hinckley), Hawaii (also where we prayed for Kela), London (where my parents were sealed), Salt Lake (where my grandparents were sealed), Orlando (where my brother was sealed), Las Vegas (where we now go to receive much peace and inspiration).
Here is my beautiful group of girls.
Kela had a great time being with her friends at camp. I'm so glad that they are willing to serve and love her. She absolutely loves being involved with them and never wants to be left out of anything.
Kela is truly my little angel. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father entrusted her to me. I've really appreciated her a lot more lately. You know, with my boys I worry about what kind of decisions they are making, and if they are worthy to return to their Heavenly Father (I know in the end they will be fine--I'm sure of it, but it still drains me and causes me many tears along the way). However, with Kela I never have to worry about that. God gave me a freebie and I really don't think I deserve her. She is definitely heaven bound, and for that I am eternally grateful. I hope that I can live up to her valiancy.
22 July 2011
The last day I went to camp without Kela, because I was going to be there the whole day/night and knew that she would lose interest and not want to stay as long as I was going to be there.
I arrived for BIG HAIR day!!! I wish I could have gotten more photos than this, because there was some pretty outrageous dos. Too bad my hair wasn't longer. I puffed it out as much as I could, but I had nothing on these other girls. Wow. We also had great service projects and were able to feel the spirit as we did things for others around the world. Also, we had interesting level skits.
In the evening, we gathered around for a special program. The girls sang songs and learned about great women in the scriptures who had courage. Our young women were asked to have courage to do what is right too. They were each given a balloon that represented the world/sins. They were asked to let them go. Some girls let them go immediately, others held on a little longer, while others didn't want to let go at all. Our stake president told them that often times sins are like that too. Some are easy to get rid of and others harder to let go of, sometimes people not wanting to do it at all. One balloon got stuck in a tree and he made the comparison that sometimes we need assistance freeing our sins, just like the balloon would need assistance to be free. He said some sins require the help of a bishop. He bore testimony of our Savior in this process and encouraged the girls to get right with the Lord, and let go of the world and whatever sins they may be holding onto. I thought it was pretty powerful.
After the program, we had a great ward testimony meeting.
It was fReeZinG! We gathered around a campfire and drank hot chocolate as we listened to the testimonies of our girls and leaders. After hearing the words of the girls (some expressed homesickness, initially worrying about leveling camping-not ward camping, and personal experiences), I felt impressed to bear witness that we often feel alone in life. Even our Savior felt alone and longed for his friends to be with him in his time of trial in the Garden of Gethsemene. He asked his apostles to stay awake for him, but they couldn't. Unfortunately, his friends failed him. However, God sent angels to help the Savior as he bore the griefs of the world and endured the agony that he felt while others couldn't assist. I bore testimony that God also sends angels to be with us in our times of need, and that he is always there for us. We've all felt lonliness or grief as we have went through trials; even if we're around many people we can still feel alone. Often it is in the silent chambers of our hearts that we suffer. We all have to endure trials, but God does not leave us to endure them alone. He WILL send us the help that we need, whether through people or in spirit. I was reminded of the hike that I went on with the girls. I pointed out that Ashley and I needed each other to make it to the top. She would not have made it if I were not encouraging her along the way, and I
definitely would not have made it if I didn't feel responsible to get her to the top. We all do so much better when we have another to unite with. There is strength and power in unity. Oftentimes, we need the help of each other in life. I encouraged them to be instruments in the hands of the Lord and be the angels that others need, whether it's giving a smile, hug, helping hand, or listening ear, to not be judgmental, but to be genuine in our sisterhood to each other. Noone likes walking the world alone and we can do much to alleviate the lonileness that others feel. However, if we are going through something and there is noone to turn to, we can know that God will be there for us. We are not above the Savior and his experience, and sometimes we have to walk depths that only the Savior himself or his angels can alleviate. But. He's there. He's always there.
It was beautiful hearing how the girls felt. I love them so much!!! They are a tremendous blessing to me. They are such strong, valiant girls, and they represent their Savior well. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to spend this time with them. They are so special!
Hello! You forgot about the San Antonio Temple when y'all all came down to see me get sealed. Come on now you big dodo. How could you forget your little sis?
That's ok, she didn't mention the Columbia Temple for ME or Ethen either ... I guess pres. Hinckley is more exciting than us. ;P
Hahaha! Okay, busted! Y'all know I'm getting old and senile. Actually, I remembered that family was sealed at Columbia, but I guess I was thinking everyone was. Sorry Lizzy...especially since San Antonio truly was one of the BEST days ever!!!! It was awesome that we were all together!!! <3 That was a great trip!
WOW the Hair Shots are Cool!
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