Wednesday, June 15, 2011


11 June 2011Gabriel was invited to a Masquerade Ball for a friend's sweet 16. He was really excited to go, and I helped him get all decked out for it. I must say he was lookin' pretty fly! The only thing he was missing was a cane, but I couldn't find a formal one, so he had to settle with this get up. :) HOWEVER, when he gets to the party...he is the ONLY person with a mask on (not even the bday girl wore one), the ONLY boy in a suit (most others were in jeans & tie), and the ONLY one who actually followed the directions of the invitation. Really?
Here is the invitation. Doesn't it say "masquerade ball" AND "dress formal?" Well, apparently the term "masquerade ball" only means dress in nice clothes here...atleast that's what he was told when he showed up and the others gently informed him of their terminology. Seriously? How crazy is that? Hahaha! Well, you know the confidence of my children. Gabriel wore his mask regardless of how the others were dressed and had a great time doing so. He didn't care! Like I said...he was lookin' pretty fly, and he just rolled with it. LOL!


Leigh This Way said...

Hahaha! He should have gently informed the hostess of the terminology. He sure does look handsome!

Brigg and Dianne said...

Good for him!!! He looked awesome too! And why would an invitation say 'Masquerade' if nobody was planning on wearing masks?!? Weird.