Thursday, June 2, 2011

Frankie is MARRIED!!!!!

30 April 2011

Well, Frankie decided that he shouldn't wait any longer, but that he should go ahead and marry Michelle and not put it off anymore. The quicker he could make his vows, the quicker he would get to the temple to be sealed to her. Thus, he made all of the arrangements himself and invited us the WEEK BEFORE to attend and witness this blessed occasion. :)

(You know, it worked out because I didn't have to stress over it, since it happened so fast. We just all rolled with it. haha) Frankie chose to have it at his Bishop's house. Gorgeous, huh? We actually showed up ON TIME. I know, I know...that's surprising. But hey! This was kind of an important day. :) Hahaha, but you know what? Michelle rolled in a little late. Frankie here is wondering where his bride is. LOL He wasn't worried though. He knew she would show. As he saw her walking to the door, he said, "Awww...she's beautiful!" (Sigh) That just warmed my heart! I could tell he was so in love. Okay, so....things don't always go the way things are planned in our house...and really...why would this day be any different??? Yeah, I know. Frankie forgot the ring! Hahahaha! He had to jet back to get it (30 min lapse of time), so I took a bunch of pictures of Michelle and her family while he did his thing (too many to post, though. You can see those and MANY others at this link).
The trampoline also became an attraction while we were waiting.

Oh, look! My baby boy is back! "Any tickets???"..."No"..."Sheww, let's get this thang happenin'!" :)

The dads became the two witnesses, and the Bishop gave some great words of advice for the couple.
It's official! That lip lock sealed it all! Hahaha! But hey! I want a kiss too!
And dad???? HAHAHAHAHA!
Somebody is happy! ;)

My little love birds...
Frankie joins the Bautistas (I hope you like Philipino food)...

And Michelle joins our crazy gang (oh, bless that child!)
The boys had to hurry off, we had to get changed for the reception...and Brandon had a date for PROM!


April said...

Congratulations! That's awesome! It looks like it was a great day. I'm really happy for both of them.

Leigh This Way said...

Awww! Congrats! I still can't believe he's old enough to be married or that you're old enough to have a kid old enough to be married. CRAZY! =)

Leigh This Way said...

Oh and when the pics were on facebook, I thought y'all at rented a place. I had no idea that was someone's HOUSE!

House of Squitty said...

They look really happy! Congrats!

Liz Ann said...

The house is gorgeous. Oh and so is the bride and groom of course

nicole said...

awwww congratulations frankie, michelle and the rest of the families! what a wonderful and exciting new beginning for everyone =D