Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kela's First YW Activity

9 February 2011
Kela had her first Young Women Activity. It was the New Beginning program and they used a football theme to enhance their evening of fun.
The decorations were adorable! The leaders divided the primary room into a stadium, football field and all, with goal posts at each end (pvc pipe spray painted yellow). They even had concessions that lined the entire back wall, including a football cooler with drinks. =) The stands were filled with pom poms for the spectators, and Kela enjoyed cheering through the evening. She would smile and giggle when there was lots of noise, especially when the toy clappers were used.
The week before, Kela went to her first Laurel activity and they made all these signs. Of course, the sign SHE made, she took home with her that night--she wouldn't let go of it!!! She folded it into a little book and held on tight! Noone was brave enough to fight for it! Hahahaha!
The "Red shirt recruits" were welcomed in football style--they had to run through a sign to join their fellow Beehives. That was cute! (That was considered part of the pre-game festivities.)
Then there was a 1st half, half-time pep talk (from the coaches/leaders--where they talked about personal progress and camp), and 2nd half where we heard remarks from the Bishop and stake YW Pres.
(Kela was so OCD about her shoelaces...she wouldn't leave them alone!!!!)
Oh, I didn't mention...I got released from Nursery and called into YW. This was my first activity with them too. I'm Assistant Laurel Advisor. Basically, I'm Kela's little helpmeet while she takes part in the program this year. She has a hard time going unless I'm there. ;) Honestly, I'm glad to be with her. With my busy, busy lifestyle right now, I need this personal time with her. I think it will be a good thing.
The YW Pres: Coach
1st/2nd Counselors: Assistant Coaches
Secretary: Special Coordinator
Advisors: Special Teams
Oh, gracious! These girls might be in trouble if they are being led by these women!!!!


Leigh This Way said...

I loved having you in YW you were one of the best leaders that I ever had. I have a quote on my mirror that you gave out one sunday. Its a quote from Harold B Lee about how your testimony can never be the same each day but will either grow or get smaller. I seriously read it every day!

Mary McDonald said...

Way cool! Y'alls definitely doesn't look as spread out as ours did, but we were in the gym...

Liz Ann said...

Ok, wtheck. That whole time I was on the phone talking to you about yalls activity you never told me you got called to serve in YW. What a tard. Now I know why it was such a fun and decorative activity ;) The YW aren't going to be the same again now that you are involved. They will be truly many ways.