Thursday, August 5, 2010

Eggdrop @ Seastrand Park--Noah

27 March 2010
Marie, my co-worker at Payless, told me about a community Easter egg hunt at a nearby park that Noah might enjoy. I was really glad she mentioned it, because I knew Noah was going to miss out on Easter festivities since we weren't heading back to SC. We also hung out with one of her other friends too, Shannon.
Noah's favorite thing to do was the bouncy house. He literally stayed in there for about 45 minutes. I was really surprised that they didn't make him get out.
Next, the kids waited for the Easter egg hunt. Noah was sooooo anxious! The Easter egg hunt was an adventure, to say the least. There were over 40,000 eggs in four different age groups. Plus, a helicopter came and dropped thousands more for the kids. It was really exciting, but when they finally let the kids loose, it only took about 10-15 seconds before they were ALL gone...not kidding!!!! There were so many kids that they stood shoulder to shoulder! Anyway, some unruly kid came by and took eggs out of Noah's bucket, and it had him a little distraught. He didn't like that at all!
But...after learning that another little girl didn't get ANY eggs, he GAVE her ALL of his, and then he suddenly felt better. He said, "you can have mine. I'll just go to Wal-Mart and get more." hahaha!!! I love it, and I am so proud of him for giving away all that he had!!! I'm glad he has a big heart!


Leigh This Way said...

Aww, what a sweet boy!

Liz Ann said...

I don't think I've seen so many eggs in my life? Noah should have borrowed Gabriel's football gear and tackled some of those people