Tuesday, December 8, 2009

School Project--Survivor themed Trial

For my English 232 class (World Literature), my professor did not want us to write research papers, because he didn't feel like reading them. Instead, he wanted us to do a mock trial, and do research on it. Well, we spent several weeks preparing for this big presentation. Professor chose me to be the Lead Judge, whose responsibilities were to organize the whole project, and make sure everyone stayed on task. Also, I was supposed to give the verdict in the case (along with my assistants).

Whew! Let me tell you this project STRESSED me out!!! ...Mainly, because I hate relying on others for my grade. Quite frankly, the participation and quality of everyone in the class would be a reflection of me and my leadership, so I felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, it turned out fine in the end! =)

I submitted that we do a "Survivor" theme for our trial. We had Tribe Prosecution (red) competing against Tribe Defense (blue). We had reward challenges to give advantages to the team who won them. We did a Tribal council in the end, where we (as judges) gave our verdicts, virtually voting the team off that did not prove their case. Hopefully, I will have a video of our proceedings soon. Our media group will be submitting it next week. I can't wait to see it...

For now...here are a few pictures...


Leigh This Way said...

I wanna be in your class! They seem a lot more fun than mine.

Liz Ann said...

It seemed like fun to me. I've never seen a college class that before. AWESOME

April said...

Wow, did your professor steal that idea from Holly's survivor night? ;-)