My dishwasher stopped working several months ago. It wouldn't drain. Therefore, we have been hand washing dishes for quite some time. However, while Pop Cook was visiting, he messed with it and got it to work!!!!! YAY!!!!! I was soooooo excited!!!
Unfortunately, after a couple of days, the motor cracked and started leaking water. My kitched floor was flooding! This pile of towels do not show the amount of water that I had to absorb! Dang!!!! Now I'm back to NO dishwasher again!
Fortunately, my dad will be arriving soon... ;) I think I'll get him to replace my motor for me. Then I'll be back in business! I love people have handy skills!!!!

Fortunately, my dad will be arriving soon... ;) I think I'll get him to replace my motor for me. Then I'll be back in business! I love people have handy skills!!!!
Your dad'll be able to fix it. He can fix anything!
The one that we have in our apartment isn't really a dish washer but a dish sanitizer and it doesn't dry them either. I can't wait until the day that I finally have a real dishwasher.
OMGosh! I could not live with out my dishwasher. Ours doesn't drain the water either. Our problem was that they didn't make the hose long enough so it kinked. Now every time I hear the dishwasher draining I have to run over to the sink and straighten the kink out to make it drain. It really is annoying. All I have to do is call the housing people and they would come fix it, but for some strange reason I just haven't called. I know I'm an idiot.
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