Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Caroling

23 Dec 09
One of the things that I enjoy about Christmas is getting treats dropped off at my house, and receiving carolers at my door. I LOVE IT!!! Therefore, I try to do the same for others. This year, since we had been so busy with school, parties, surgery, and other things, we didn't get to go out until right before the holiday...but it was worth it, though...WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! Noah enjoyed making treats.
He especially liked putting the sprinkles on.
Gabriel reluctantly helped...
...but then realized that it could be fun.
He ended up crushing up candy canes to be sprinkled on our chocolate-covered pretzels. You know, once you allow boys to start breaking stuff, they suddenly perk up. ;) LOL!!! I had to show my kids how to do the dipping...
...and I showed them that if you have that job you get to get a sampling as well. (I have to eat chocolate if it's in front of me.)
Frankie didn't help make the treats, because he was busy practicing the guitar...I had put him in charge of our music. He learned Silent Night and The First Noel. =)
Then we bagged up our treats, and set out on our adventure.
This was our small little caroling group.
(Dad couldn't get out and walk because of his knee, so I left Kela home with him...and Brandon was out with Carly, because it was her birthday. Fortunately, though, Kendall decided to join us, so we appreciated her help.) AAANNNNDDDD...We're OFF!!!
We ended up visiting 20 homes. We had SOOOO many more houses to go to, but we had some technical difficulties (some people weren't home, some we couldn't get into their gated communities, and then it reached 9:00pm and I figured people were going to bed. Plus, Frankie had to stop because his fingers were we called it a night, even though there were many others I still wanted to visit.) I wanted to aim to go out the following night but, since it was Christmas Eve, we decided against it.

Frankie plays and sings so beautifully. I'm glad he carried us with his talent, because my voice definitely needed to be covered up! LOL!!!!
Oh, and while we were out caroling, we ran across the Perkin's and Alexander children caroling we sang together for a few of the homes with them. LOL!!! That was so fun!!! We really had an awesome night!!! It feels so good to spread Christmas cheer. =)


Anonymous said...

loved the pics, and the spirit of all of you.....evelyn

Leigh This Way said...

Oh how fun! i miss doing that.

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

I wish we could have been home and not had a gated community so we could have been caroled by you. I love doing that too.

April said...

That is so cool! Your treats look yummy!

Brigg and Dianne said...

You are such a go-getter! I am very impressed!