My cousin, Joseph, and his wife, Karen, made a quick drop-in to see us this weekend. They were down for a U2 concert, and crashed at our house for a night. We were so excited to see them!!! It has been YEARS since I last saw him.
Joseph was truly happy that we had some southern delicacies to share with him.
He was stoked about eating boiled peanuts, but even happier when I gave him a gallon jug of Maurice's barbeque sauce! =) (Papa always supplies me.) He said that was worth the trip right there! LOL!
The following morning we were all dragging, especially my hubby who works around the clock.

I really enjoyed getting caught up with Joseph. I learned that he is in the bishopric in his ward. The average age in his congregation is 70!!! (He lives right next to the Salt Lake Temple, so it attracts the elderly.) He shared some hilarious stories with us. I can't wait to see them again. It was great!
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