Thursday, July 9, 2009

RS Celestial Survivor

Hollie Barber was called as our new Emergency Preparedness Specialist. She kicked off our RS activities with a Celestial Survivor night with games surrounding around temporal preparedness. She went all out!!! She and her mother-in-law really did a fantastic job creating a fun, yet educational atmosphere!
Hollie played our host, "Jessica Probes."
We split into teams. My tribe was called JOPPA.
We ended up coming in 3rd place overall, out of 8. Don't you love our matching tribal bands on our heads? I will say, though, that we probably had the most team spirit! We were great teammates!
Birtney and I showing some friendly competitive love.
Last time we competed, in Guesstures, she beat me. This time, however, I got to cut her throat and win. LOL! Looks like we'll have to play something else...
Here is a soaked wheat kernel (no flavoring) eating contest. My JOPPA teammate, Kristen, won this one. Yay!
Struggling to get down the last kernels.
Kim complained that someone dumped extra in her bowl. She ended up in 2nd after she scooped her extra out.
We gathered for a relay race. We had to pack a mock 72 hr kit, and race around the building. Part of the struggle was deciding on what type of container to use. Getting a little smack talk in.
Leslie and I pumping ourselves up to beat the others...we came in 3rd in this race.
We also had lots of trivia, combined with other challenges to test our knowledge. It was SO good! Honestly, I learned so much. More importantly, though, it inspired me to be obedient in preparing myself.


Heather said...

HOW FUN! You seem to have a very awesome ward. That's great! They just re-did our boundary lines again. We now have three wards rather than two wards and one branch. The Lake Murray, Lexington, and the Gilbert Wards. We're now in Gilbert and they are so welcoming and excited to have 170 additional members, (or something like that. They may have taken like 120 from Lake Murray and Lexington, I don't remember).

Liz Ann said...

That is such a cool idea. Now I hope I get called into the preparedness calling so I can copy her idea, and everybody would think I'm the bomb

Rebekah Del Priore said...

WOW a lot of work went into that! It's so neat how other wards do stuff. I wish our ward would do something like that. Do you still have your 72 hour kits? I remember when we did them together:)

Mikelene said...

Dang! That looks like a lot of fun!

Boren Family said...

I had so much fun and I realized how unprepared I am!

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

Thanks for all the cute pics and the fun attitude that night. I was so glad to have you come to it. It turned out better than I could ever hope for. Heavenly Father inspired me and I had a great helper. He also blessed us that night that it went so smoothly. We have great ladies in our ward huh?