Saturday, July 11, 2009

Grappler's Quest: Brandon's Fights

First match! Brandon beat his opponent 9-0, but there wasn't much excitement to it. The guy just kept holding Brandon, and wasn't trying to do be offensive at all. He just held on, not allowing Brandon to do anything himself. However, I'm glad Brandon won, though, and I can say it probably sparked some confidence in him too, having one success under his belt. Onto the next fight...

Brandon's 2nd match ended pretty quickly. This guy made Brandon tap out from an arm bar. This guy ended up beating all of his opponents under 30 seconds, and he took 1st place. He seemed to be in the wrong division, because he just seemed too fluent. In our opinion, he didn't appear to be a beginner. Who knows. Okay, where is Brandon's confidence level now? Hmmmm....Next...

Brandon's 3rd match was very intense, and was his most gripping match. He and his opponent were tied going into the last seconds of the match. However, the other guy had advantage points. Fortunately, Brandon played it smart, and let the guy up, and then took him back down to get two extra points right in the final seconds, which won him the match. (Thanks, Frankie, for the coaching!) Yay!!!

Brandon waiting for his medal.

Brandon ended up in 3rd place out of about 9 guys. Here he is accepting his bronze medal. We're very proud of him for placing, since this was his very first tournament.

There will be another tournament in December. Now that the boys have a little experience under the belt, and know what this is all about, maybe they'll know how to train for it and walk away more successful. I can't wait to watch again. It is one of the most thrilling sports around!


Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

Go Brandon. He looked good out there. Personally, I haven't ever watched wrestling that much because it always looks a little strange but I can see why it would be fun and challenging to outwit the opponent with strategy. Lucky your boys have their dad to coach them. Congrats!

Liz Ann said...

I'm glad somebody in the family has a winning gene ;0

Leigh This Way said...

Hooray Brandon! Way to go!