Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cookie of the Month

JULY "Cookie of the Month!" Back in May, our youth had a fundraiser, and Noah bid on several things during the silent auction. One of the things he won was the "Cookie of the Month" by Jamie Jewett (his babysitter). She makes us a delicous batch of homemade cookies every single month, decorated in some fashion (resembling that month), and attaches its recipe to it too. They are always amazing!
Brandon answered the door and brought them in.
Noah was thrilled to receive them!!!
I tasted them right away...
Whoah! YUM!!! YUM!!! YUM!!!
Consequently, the great taste made me excited to look at the recipe, but when I opened my paper up, it said this one was TOP SECRET!
Huh? What!!!
Lydia and I almost started a riot! LOL!
How could she do that to us?

BTW...we WILL be bidding on the Cookie of the Month at the next auction!!! Worth every penny I spend!


Erica Wyatt said...

I got it last year and we too got those cookies this month. YUM! Our subscription ends in September and I will be so SAD! Now I know where to come and get some cookies!

nicole said...

that totally reminds me!! tyler won me a facial and i need to cash in on that! do you know who i need to talk to to redeem it??

Unknown said...

TOP SECRET?! That really is no fair...something that goood needs to be shared. They look super duper cute in the festive hat!

Leigh This Way said...

What a cute way to send them! But that was just mean to not share the recipe. Now anytime you want more, you'll have to ask her to make you more! :)