Friday, June 19, 2009

Lion King @ Mandalay Bay

I love the benefits of my hubby's job! We got more free tickets! This time for the Lion King. Frankie and Gabriel were supposed to go, but Frankie got sick, so we went instead. Frank talked to some of his buddies and secured 4 more tickets for Monday's show, so all the boys can enjoy it. I love having connections. Those are free too. WooHoo!!!

We went inside the Luxor (Egyptian, pyramid-shaped hotel) since it's next to Mandalay Bay. I had never went in there before. It was really cool. All the hotels have such neat and unique features. They're amazing! (My hair is not as gray as it appears. I lightened the pic because it was too dark, and it crystallized the look of my hair)This was directly inside the pyramid...the ceiling came to a
Frank stopped and got some icecream, but I had already eaten a Frosty from Wendy's so I passed. Then we walked over to Mandalay Bay for our show.
We enjoyed the Broadway musical, The Lion King.

The script is almost word for word as the movie. The thing that is amazing is the costumes and theatrical creativity that went into designing the set to give the effects of the story. It's super cool!

These are our professional photos of the night: Much better than my camera!!!! This is why I need a new one so bad!


Unknown said...

Glad you could go and enjoy it!

April said...

Looks so fun! Isabel got to go to that with a friend and she loved it!

Liz Ann said...

Vegas is so beautiful and has so many attractions. Well, I wouldn't know from first hand, but I'm living Vegas through your blog. Glad y'all had a good time

Rebekah Del Priore said...

What a life! I am happy to see you guys doing SOOOO MUCH, and FREE TOO! It can't get any better.

Leigh This Way said...

Wow! Y'all have got some great hook ups!

Mary Beth said...

something I want to do before I die is see The Lion King

Brigg and Dianne said...

You guys are so lucky! What a fun date night! I love going to the shows here (one of the few cool things about living in Vegas).

jennifer said...

You guys are having way too much fun in Vegas! I am Jealous!