Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Struggling Artist--Depleted Emotion

Frankie loves playing the guitar, and has been enjoying this pasttime for a few years now. I believe it is one of the few things that actually soothes him on a consistent basis. He likes learning new songs, and has actually written a couple of his own. He has named himself Depleted Emotion. His title pretty much explains how he has felt the last year with his ups and downs. His music, however, is far from depleted. It is, on the contrary, quite fresh and lively. I love that he pursues his talent, and does not waste it away.

One of Frankie's friends, who is an aspiring photographer, wanted to take him out and get some shots. I love the way they turned out. They capture him as a struggling artist in a simple way. I love them:


Erica Wyatt said...

Cool Pics!

Carla said...

I love his pics. I also love his music. He is very talented and I hope the best for him and his career.

nicole said...

those pics are awesome!! i love his music too. and carter digs it as well. i once took a video of carter watching a video of frankie and i uploaded it to facebook. frankie got a big kick out of it.
we are big fans of depleted emotion in this house!

Ranee J Fratangelo said...

Love the pics...am I really that old...your children should not be that old!

Anonymous said...

The pictures look so good!

Leigh This Way said...

Those pics of frankie are really awesome!

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

I want to hear... does he do private concerts? I will have to go into payless again and see!

Mary Beth said...

oh those are GREAT!!!

Angel said...

I love it! He's so handsome, but don't tell him I said that. I feel like something's missing...maybe the guitar case open with pocket change in it! :)

jennifer said...

These are awesome pics. Marina, he is really growing up! I feel so old.

Anonymous said...

His spirit has been captured with these pictures, I love them, and him. He has never waivered since his very first lesson. Sure miss the guy!
Love, Grandma

Brigg and Dianne said...

Those are such great pictures! I am so glad he has something he can enjoy.