Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chores Are Done---Swimming Reward!

The olympic-sized base pool is free this year! WooHoo! The water was freeeeeeeezing, though!
Noah only swam for very small breaks.
Kela ate the whole time...she went through a hot dog, chips, and ice cream bar.
She loved it!
Since Noah couldn't enjoy himself at the pool, he talked his dad into taking him to the movies afterward. They went and saw Up.


April said...

I think that Curt needs to re-join the military! Free Blue Man Group tickets, free swimming pool...

Looks like everyone had fun, especially Kela!

Unknown said...

I agree, it is freezing! But oh so fun at the same time! We for sure will have to go together some time.

nicole said...

ooh take me too! now that tyler's gone and we're finally starting to get settled into the new place, carter and i would love to get out and go swimming. i need to get out and do stuff more to pass the time quicker =D

Rebekah Del Priore said...

That's the best thing to do, once it warms up. I thought it was hotter there? Our pool is warm enough.

Liz Ann said...

In Texas the base pool was free to, but now here in Charleston its not =( Good thing our apartment has a pool

Mary McDonald said...

Gabriel looks like he is about to die!!! LOL

That was the cutest bathing suit you had bought Kela. I'm surprised it still fits her. I thought she was growing a little bigger....

Mary Beth said...

Kela's my girl - I would've sat with her and eaten the whole time!