Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blue Man Group @ The Venetian--Date with Brandon

We got more free tickets to see a Vegas show through my hubby's job. This time: Blue Man Group.
Yeah, don't we look excited?!
This was actually Brandon's first time going to a show, so he was looking forward to it a lot. Although...I don't know how thrilled he was to go with me.
(Gabriel was supposed to be going, but because of misbehavior, he was not allowed. Then we asked Frankie if he wanted the ticket, but he declined because he had previous engagements. Brandon's girfriend was also working, so the teenage outing dwindled quick. Therefore, I was the lucky one to tag along.) I told Brandon he would have to show me how he treats his dates. I'd be testing him. He was not up on that at all.
This is the area in between the Palazzo and Venetian.
(all the rest of these photos were taken from my phone--terrible quality!)
We walked around the Venetian before the show.
The Gondolas
A live statue--I don't know how they stand still. Hunger set in--real Italian PIZZA! Then we went to the show!

Brandon and I sat at the very spot where all of the tissue paper was falling out of the ceiling. OMG!!!! The stuff was falling at avalance speeds, and we had a real problem trying to get it off of us. At one point, I was so smothered that I wasn't sure if I would get out! It was crazy fun!!!

We were first up to take a photo with one of the Blue Men...yeah, we're fast! :)

Afterward, Brandon saw this artist and wanted to have his portrait sketched.
Here's the result...not too bad.


Ranee J Fratangelo said...

Marina your kiddos are growing so fast! Looks like a great time!

Brigg and Dianne said...

I saw Blue Man Group about a month ago with my sister. When all the paper just kept coming, we could not stop laughing. It is such a great show! I'm so glad you both got to go!

House of Squitty said...

How awesome!

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

We liked BMG too. It was a fun date for us. We sat up in the poncho section and we wanted to get splattered wiht paint so bad. Instead I got the regurgitated twinkie shot at me and it got all over in my hair and back of my chair. It was fun though. Too bad Luke had to watch most of their whole show on Utube like you have posted here BEFORE THE SHOW!
Tell Brandon he better say that is the hottest date he has ever been on cause he got to go with you.

Leigh This Way said...

Oh my, how fun! Preston's wanted to see them for forever! Maybe one day.

Anonymous said...

FUN FUN FUN! I LOVE that show! I love that you got to have a date with Brandon, I am sure he will always remember it!

April said...

You are SO lucky!!! I've heard that show is great!

Angel said...

cool, looks fun.

Pugliani Family said...

That looks like so much fun. I am glad that you get to take advantage of some of the cool stuff to do out there!

Rebekah Del Priore said...

Lucky You!

Liz Ann said...

I really need to come to Vegas.

And Brandon, that looks like a Americas Most Wanted sketch that you see posted everywhere. Better yet you should give that picture to your principal at school. And be like yeah, I'm dangerous

Mary McDonald said...

Brandon's facial expressions are hilarious! At first, I thought that was snot coming from his pizza. What is wrong with me?!