Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wedding Date

Frank was asked to participate in a fellow Air Force friend's wedding on Friday. He was responsible for doing the swords. (That 's him next to the bride in the back. I had my camera on the wrong setting so it's blurry. Argghhh!)
Since we were a little dolled up, we decided to take some pictures of ourselves.

This coming week will be our anniversary. (May 4th) I can't wait to celebrate!


Ranee J Fratangelo said...

Marina and Frank...Happy anniversary. You guys look great it has been a long time!

Tara said...

Now that is one smoking hot couple. Hard to believe you guys are the parents of five! Happy anniversary!

Carla said...

You guys look great. Did you get that sweater at Kohls? Happy Anniversary.

Marina said...

Of Course, Carla, I get everything at Kohls. That is my store!!!! LOL!

Leigh This Way said...

Wow! What a hot couple! I agree that I can't believe y'all are the parent's of 5! I hope that we look as good as y'all when our oldest is in college! (Course, we'll be a whole lot older than y'all because we won't be having kids for a few more years!)

April said...

You look terrific! Happy Anniversary tomorrow! How many years?

Liz Ann said...

Marina you look really good in that color blue. So pretty! And Dang Frank, you think you got enough stripes on your sleeve.

Oh yeah...Happy Anniversary. Isn't it the big 20?

Mary Beth said...

WOAH!!! That color is seriously so gorgeous on you. Everything is perfect with your outfit.

Brigg and Dianne said...

Looking good! Weddings are fun, as long as you don't have to set up or take down chairs or stuff like that. What a fun date night, and you get to dress up!

House of Squitty said...

You guys are too cute! Happy Anniversary!