Saturday, May 2, 2009

Noah's Career Day

Noah's school had Career Week. To top off their enthuiasm for what they learned, they had the students wear an outfit to represent a future career that they would like to have. Noah chose to be an Air Force cadet. I thought he looked abosolutely adorable!
It was pretty conventient having his dad's name badge, bars, and hat. He looked so authentic.


House of Squitty said...

Oh my goodness, I am in love with him...he is too cute!

Anonymous said...

The Selzers stole my comment!! He just is sooo cute and sweet, I also love the one in his karate outfit. Thanks for letting us keep up with the family......
Love ya'll,

Leigh This Way said...

He is so adorable! Great idea Noah!

Liz Ann said...

So Noah, how did you win all those ribbons? You must be one tough guy. Is it from all those new karate moves your learning?

Mary Beth said...

those are SO cute.

Rebekah Del Priore said...

Love it! He's so dang CUTE!

Unknown said...

Great idea. SO cute is he. I guess I just have something for Air Force cadets??