Thursday, May 28, 2009

Farewell to the Pickups & Bakers

Our ward is losing two great families: the Pickups and Bakers. We are really sad to see them leave, because these men have had such a massive influence on our boys. They were a major reason why we bought our house where we did. We wanted to be close to them, and not be out of the two-mile ward boundary where they presided. We knew they would be a benefit to our family, and we were right. These guys are awesome! Consequently, this is very depressing to see them go. However, we know they are going to do great things, and have a huge impact on others as they journey elsewhere. They are both moving to TN. One is pursuing Oral Surgery, and the other Orthodontics. Fortunately, we now have friends to visit when we go east. Yay! That's where we want to retire anyway.Frankie, Jason Pickup, Frank, Kyle Baker, Rex Perkins, Mike Shepherd, Kris Alexander, and little Logan Pickup (front).
The other three guys staying behind are just as awesome as the ones leaving, so we feel fortunate to still be amongst them. We have the best leaders here (so many). I am not lying! We feel blessed indeed! We are surrounded by a lot of good people.
Amy Perkins, Courtney Pickup, Suzanne Alexander, Me, and Jen Baker.

Courtney and Jen are just as amazing as their husbands. (Behind every great man is a better woman, right?) These ladies are awesome, and they will be missed for sure! We love them tremendously. Y'all better stay in touch!!!

1 comment:

Carla said...

I am so sorry about your friends leaving. I know that was the worst part of the Air Force life for me. Isn't it great that you can still keep in touch through all this technology!