Saturday, April 18, 2009

Brandon's Fight

Journaling about my child getting into a fight is difficult. I have mixed emotions concerning this issue. Mainly because I do not condone the behavior, and consider the decision a very poor one, but on the other hand I feel proud of my boy for winning. I know there's something wrong with that, right!?
Anyway, Brandon came home yesterday, with two friends, and informed me that he had gotten into a fight. Apparently, Brandon asked a girl to the prom who had just recently broke up with her boyfriend. This boyfriend was livid that Brandon was moving into his territory. Actually, Brandon and the girl didn't go very far at all with their relationship, because the girl got back with her ex shortly after their breakup. However, the boy kept talking trash to Brandon. He made it clear to him that he was going to jump him at school. This concerned Brandon because he did not want to get expelled, and he knew that this boy didn't really care because he was planning on dropping out anyway. Consequently, he told the boy that if he was determined to fight him, he would, but would rather meet somewhere off of school property. The boy agreed, so they met at the park. Brandon took two friends with him as backup, because he knew this other guy was going to have a posse surrounding him, and thus didn't want to get jumped by a mob. Actually, the other guy ended up bringing around 20 friends. Yeah, whoah! Additionally, there were about another 10 who were there just to watch.

When Brandon drove up and got out of his car, the boy started coming at him while slurring remarks and insults. Both Brandon and the boy greeted each other with a swing. However, neither landed their punch. Brandon tried another shot, and missed. Consequently, the crowd started ridiculing the fight. However, the other boy came in on Brandon, which enabled Brandon to get an under hook on him. The boy countered, trying to do a head and arm, but Brandon grabbed him and suplayed him to the concrete, afterwards mounting him. Brandon gave him a right, left, right, left, right, right, right, right, right, right, right....until the boy's arms went limp and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head. Brandon jumped off because he knew the boy was finished. Furthermore, the boy's friends started to hold Brandon back, telling him he better stop or they were going to fight him. Brandon said that he was fine as long as the other boy was done, and not going to do anything else. His opponent tried getting up and wanted to come at Brandon, but stumbled around and had to be caught from falling down by his friends. He was shaken and disoriented. The boy never even got a single punch in on Brandon. Anyway, as Brandon was getting into his car, one guy kicked his jeep, another slammed his side mirror, and another threw rocks at the side of it, denting and chipping his paint. However, Brandon didn't want to stick around under the circumstances, and got away from the crowd. Some of the people there, taped the fight with their phones. Who might show up on youtube later! Many have seen it, and have texted Brandon telling him that he really kicked the boys tail.

Now...when Brandon told me of this incident, I told him I was very disappointed in his decision to fight this boy, and that he shouldn't care what people say to him. They are just words. I told him that he could have killed the boy by slamming his head/neck region on the concrete. It's such a dangerous move. That's why it's not allowed in HS wrestling. I told him he was lucky that no one jumped in on the fight. Realistically, it only would have taken one person to join in, and then the rest would have followed. I also explained that he has probably set himself up for more fights. The boy's gang of friends probably have a beef with him now, and will probably try to jump him elsewhere. Moreover, now that they know what car he drives, they may damage it. Urghhh...why is this so difficult to understand? I told him he better not talk to that girl anymore. She was nothing but trouble. However, he went against what I said and he called her to apologize for his behavior. She told him that she was surprised that he could beat her boyfriend up. Apparently, she had seen him thrash several others, and was astonished that he got beat, much less slaughtered. Brandon explained that he was a wrestler, and that he had taken some mixed martial arts defense lessons. However, she was still shocked. She said she had watched the tape several times, and had gotten woozy viewing it. Okay, now get this... SHE THEN INVITES BRANDON OVER TO HER HOUSE!!!! She is dating the other boy! Can you believe that? Can you say drama queen? Brandon told her he better not talk to her, but that he just wanted to call and apologize for her having to see what she did. ....I swear!

Brandon's hand is really swollen and it hurts him, but he's doing okay. He feels bad about throttling the boy, but hopes the boy will stop threatening him. He hopes the situation is over, and hopes he doesn't have to prove himself anymore.

Brandon's dad told him that if he were not fighting for a girl's honor, he should not be fighting. He also told him he needed to stay away from non-LDS girls anyway. He needed to be dating girls with the same standards as himself. He told him how important it was for him to not get caught up in the world, and not care about the words of others, and to do so was really quite foolish. He encouraged Brandon to control himself by bridling his emotions and checking his pride, and that if he wanted to feel better about himself, he should perform service, not fight.

We really hope Brandon has learned something, and will not crumble to the threats of others, if they are to arise again in the future. Any words of wisdom on this one?


Heather said...

It reminds me of the scriptures. The Nephites are able to push their enemies that are coming for them with the purpose to slaughter them. Only through the Nephites righteousness and prayer are they delivered and the Lord helps them through their battle. Seeing as it is that I haven't had to deal with this kind of situation I feel that you have done the best thing. Maybe helping him to remember the scriptures and that they teach us to only protect our beloved Country and wives and children. That same principle still stands today. I'm really glad that he's okay. I'll keep him in my prayers. =)

Leigh This Way said...

Well considering I don't have kids I guess I'm not one to give much advice. I will say that it sounds like the other guy was a bully so he had it coming to him. The other thing is that Brandon might want to be careful considering that he's taken martial arts and does wrestling because if he hurt someone bad enough he could get it even more trouble since he's been "trained". I just hope that the other guys leave him alone and that he'll stay out of trouble.

Kim said...

Marina, I'm just impressed that you have actual names for the punches. "Head and arm"??? What the heck? Man, I am scared to have teenage boys.

Noah rocked Primary yesterday during singing time while performing the Macarena the whole time. I was cracking up. He's hilarious.

Brigg and Dianne said...

Okay, well first: He should definitely avoid the girl. She is just trouble. Second: My kids are still really young so I am NO EXPERT with advice about raising kids, but of course I think avoiding the fight would have been the best choice. But what's done is done. I don't think this guy will try to fight him again, though. I'll bet this boy's ego (and his head) took enough of a beating the first time. This kid ought to know not to mess with Brandon again. I would even go as far as to bet that if Brandon showed a little friendliness to the boy (maybe just a head nod while passing in the hall), things would eventually smooth over. Maybe.

On a side note, I have to say that I think the Lord sent you a lot of boys because this world is short on good men. You and Frankie are doing a wonderful job of teaching them to be the kind of men the Lord would have them be.

P.S. Did you actually see the fight video?

nicole said...

reading that made me nauseous. mainly because i know that in 15 years, i will be in your shoes...
i really hope we never have to be in that situation, but let's be honest.. boys will be boys. lol.
i just asked tyler what he would say to carter in that situation, would he respond like frank, or would he be excited and happy that his son won a fight. and he said, if it were to happen right now, i would probably be like, ya! you won! cool! but i don't know how i'll react in a few years. i personally am hoping that he will grow stronger in the gospel and have the same reaction as frank, and not condone that sort of thing, but that will be up to tyler. all i can do is support and help him.
how is brandon doing now? since it has been a few days since the fight... any reprocussions at school or anything? i hope he is staying away from the girl. she does sound like drama! oy, am i glad to be out of all that high school drama! haha.
i really hope the boy's parents aren't going to try to press charges. have you heard anything?

Liz Ann said...

Ok, now I am really confused. They expelled him from school for getting in a fight that wasn't even at school. Whats up with that?

Anyways, way to go Brandon! Our family got fight. Woo hoo