Monday, March 16, 2009

Massage Heaven!!!

My husband bought me a massage about a month ago, but I haven't had any time to use it. However, with me having Spring Break this week, he suggested that I put it to good use...He is so brilliant!!!! Why did I put off such a glorious event?! Never again!Frankie was heading out to work so I snatched a few pictures with him before he left. My boy is growing up! (BTW, my hair isn't greasy, it's wet.)He is one of my precious gems.

This is Erin, my massage therapist. (They wouldn't allow me to take pictures in the massage room. ;( ) Boy, am I in love with her. She was so good, I signed up for a year membership. I'm hooked, and need the relaxation each month. AHHHH!!!! Don't I look like I'm about to float away?
I sure needed that on my list...a tan!


Tara said...

You are so skinny! Looking pretty hot these days...share your secret!

Scott bought me a massage from that same place and I have never used it. You have motivated me to get going on it.

So glad you enjoyed your time there.

Boren Family said...

I am soooo jealous! Massages could possibly the best thing ever!

Rebekah Del Priore said...

I know you loved it. Remember that time we all went for a facial? It was great! I wish Ethen could make me some money, so I could do something nice like that too...:)

You looked really relaxed!

Leigh This Way said...

Aren't massages the greatest?! I've had two and loved both! Wish I could do it more often, I should check and see if they have a local massage school here. Hmmm...

nicole said...

i am so glad you got a good massage therapist!! i had a massage there, except the lady that massaged me said the f word like every other word. i was so uncomfortable the whole time!
jealous!! lol

Angel said...

Good for you. What's a tan?!

Mary Beth said...

you do look so relaxed - I just looked at that picture and it made me think about being that relaxed - hmmm, its been a while.
Good luck with the tan thing - that's my relaxation, tanning.