Saturday, February 14, 2009


As usual, my hubby was working weekends so I didn't have a date for the evening. However, when Brandon got home from work, he brought me a flower balloon. He had a lady make it for me. He is always so thoughtful. I absolutely love his gesture of kindness.

(I have GOT to get me a new camera! Using phones and camcorder devices is getting ridiculous.)


Leigh This Way said...

You boys and the nicest, sweetest guys ever! (Hey! Welcome to Cici's) =)

Rebekah Del Priore said...

How sweet! Man Brandon looks so much older.
At least you had a date, my hubby worked till 9pm :(

Anonymous said...

Your boys are so sweet! I hope my Jack is that thoughtful when he gets older!

Boren Family said...

Oh that is awesome! You have such a wonderful family!

House of Squitty said...

Awww! That is precious, you raised a good boy.

Libbi said...

You have raised sons up to the Lord...and it shows!!! I know Patti always said you had sweet sweet boys...

Brigg and Dianne said...

That flower is so cute! That was so thoughtful of Brandon. You really have a great family!

Brigg and Dianne said...

That flower is so cute! That was so thoughtful of Brandon. You really have a great family!