Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gabriel and I

I realized I didn' have any pictures of me and Gabriel. I don't know how that happened, but it did. Consequently, I made Gabriel snap one with me before church today. As a note: Gabriel is actually my height, but I have on heals.

(Again, the focus is terrible, but at least it's something.)


Leigh This Way said...

Gosh, they've all grown up so much since y'all left. What studs you have! =)

Mikelene said...

Gabriel is as tall as you?!?

Libbi said...

love that pic!!!

Brigg and Dianne said...

It's awesome that you did this on a Sunday and you are dressed up in the pic. I think that adds a little something.

jennifer said...

OMG, He is so grown up! I remember my favorite little man from Primary. Tell him that Sister Stansel said he is "hot"!!! We really miss you guys in our ward.