Saturday, January 17, 2009

How many hours are in your day?

I have noticed that my time is evaporating.  I have so many things to do and no time to do it.  Thus, the reason for my lack of blogging.  However, I have been pleased that I have still been able to devote time to my family.  We have a sit down FAMILY meal at least three days a week.  I know for some that may seem minimal, but for our family that is an accomplishment.  We have been working hard to consider this a sacred occasion.  We've been reading our scriptures and having some great conversations.  Also, I'm so happy with the maturity in which Frankie and Brandon have been handling their trials.  They have shown trust in parental advice and come seeking for answers.  I love that they think enough of us that they ask our opinion.  I feel honored to be able to share what I know with them and send them away with clear reasoning and counsel.  They've come a long way.  They are truly focused on doing what's right and honorable and that makes my heart swell.

Brandon showed his appreciation by taking a car marker and wrote on my window, "World's Best Mom." and "I love you."  He surprised me with his note and it made my day.  (He's not one to show his emotions so his display was valuable.)

I'm nervous about how my time is going to diminish even more starting next week.  I'll be starting school again and I know I will be swamped with more responsibility.  Between my work, family, domestic duties, and church roles, I will be crunched with little time.  My studies are critical too so I'm getting weary just thinking about it.  I know all in all it will work out, though.

If I'm not a good blogger, forgive me.  Speaking of which, I need to ask forgiveness for not sending out my Christmas Newsletter.  I kept putting it off and never got around to it.  I considered sending a New Year's Newsletter, but again, ran out of time.  So I ask forgiveness for that as well.  I know we all have the same amount of time in the day, but for some reason I'm not managing mine well.  Maybe that should be my resolution for this year.  Wish me luck.


House of Squitty said...

Girl, with that long list of things to do I would say that you are managing your time quite well. I love that you are so focused on your family and are determined to spend lots of quality time together. That was so sweet of Brandon, I hope you took pictures.

Carla said...

I feel for you. I feel I am in the same place with my life also. I know you are strong and can handle it just remember to take a break for yourself every once in awhile. I know you are busy but glad to see you on the blog again.

Pamelia said...

That's so nice that your boys come to y'all with their problems. That was a sweet thing that Brandon did!!! What a nice surprise!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about not having enough time. But I am glad that your family is still able to get together! You are such a wonderful mom and person, I look up to you and I am glad for your friendship! Thanks for the example!!

Sarah and Jesse said...

I don't know how you do it?? Just with school and working alone I feel like i have no time with my husband (when he is home) but to add kids on top. I'm impressed.. But really I think just a few more hours in a day wouldn't hurt! :)

Leigh This Way said...

Wow! I'm swamped with a husband, dog, apartment, and school. I couldn't even imagine adding kids to the equation. I feel stretched thin but I don't sympathize with you. I really admire the people who go back to school after having kids. School can be hard enough but when you add kids to the mix its even more tough. Keep up the good work and the good grades.

Brigg and Dianne said...

You are amazing, and I'm sure your time is always spent doing productive, valuable things. Good luck with school this semester!

Anonymous said...

even though you're busy, I 'm glad to hear that y'all are doing good.
I hope things ease up for you or that you at least have the umph to make it through.

Libbi said...

I was going to email you if I didn't see a post today becaiuse I was getting worried about you...You have awesome kids and I know how FABULOSO it is when they "get it"!! Why don't I know what you're studying??? (Good luck my brainiac friend! whatever it is, you'll be super at it!)

Liz Ann said...

Awh, Brandon is so sweet. I want my kids to do that. Heck even my hubby