Monday, December 22, 2008

Ward Christmas Party

We went to our church party on my baby's birthday. Noah saw Santa. (What is up with his eyebrow? LOL. It looks like his mustache rose up on him or someting.) Noah says he asked for a colorful pen. ???We ate lots of good food. And, had a great social evening.
We watched the nativity and enjoyed the reminder of what Christmas is all about.
Note: Brandon is not pictured because he was pouting. We made him leave his girlfriend's house and come with us. You would think he wouldn't mind, considering he had just spent the last 10 hours with her tubing at the mountains.


House of Squitty said...

Okay, that is the freakiest Santa I have ever seen in my life...I bet there were lots of crying babies!! :) You guys look great, very happy family!

Carla said...
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Carla said...

Sorry I had to remove my earlier post because I guess a had a brain freeze or something and was totalling commenting on something else.
Anyway glad y'all had a good time!

Brigg and Dianne said...

Sounds like it was all a lot of fun! I remember when they announced when the ward Christmas party was going to be, and I was so disappointed that we were going to miss it. Glad you guys had such a great time!

Pugliani Family said...

Yeah, what is up with Santa's eyebrow? That is hilarious. At least Noah didn't seem to mind!

Libbi said...

I love ward Christmas parties!! So glad y'all had fun! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!! and that 2009 is a wonderful happy year for all of the Wolfe family!!! Love you girl!

Rebekah Del Priore said...

you all looked like you had a good time. I miss you and wish you'd move back across the street. We Love You!!