Monday, July 11, 2011

White Water Rafting

20-24 June 2011

Gabriel left for scout camp to go to Moapa Valley, Utah to white water raft down the Colorado River (class 3).

(photos taken with disposable water camera...not good quality) Bus ride

Tour group helper: Lexi

with Lexi

Campsite. All meals were cooked for the scouts by the tour group.

About to hit the water.

50 degree water....brrrrrr!!!!

Jumpin in the raft and flipping them for requirements.

Gabriel had a blast. Even though the water was cold, he stayed in it as they had "raft wars." Each raft had to battle the others by sneaking up on them and flipping them. Gabriel's group dominated the camp. Gabe said this trip was the best scout camp he's done so far. He LOVED it!!!
Gabriel returning home and telling us of his experience.

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