Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Easter 2011

As usual, I am behind in posts...

24 April 2011

Since we are not in South Carolina to participate in my family's Easter egg hunt, I have to improvise to make things a little fun for my kids. This year I hid, not only their baskets of goodies, but also money randomly around the house (dollar bills). The biggest prize was a 20 dollar bill. Everyone was trying to find it. LOL! It was serious business! Kela didn't find it....but know she doesn't care. As long as she has some chips, she is good to go!!!!
Noah's basket was underneath the bathroom sink...Brandon had to find it for him. LOL! Can you tell from the photo that Noah did not find the $20??? Actually, he's crying because the boys got things in their basket that he wanted.....ughhh! Really? Boy, you have LEGOS! Get over it! Hahaha~
Gabriel searched high and low, but only came up with a few bucks...sorry....maybe next year!

Brandon got a late start, so he definitely didn't find the $20 either. He rolled out of bed after the hunt was on!!!! That's what you get for liking the bed too much. ;) He did get his goodies in the dishwasher, though.

Frankie came out on top! He found the money under a kitchen chair seat, he found a few "ones" too. This year Frankie's basket consisted of kitchenware to help out with his new apartment. He was moving out the following week, so I filled his Easter stuff up with home goods.

The boys ended up trading a few things to get exactly what they wanted from each other.

Then we all changed and left for the park. It's the only day that we skip church. Ugh! Did I just say that? Well, it's true. The one day that celebrate's Christ's atonement and resurrection, we abandon services and spend it solely with family. Hmmmm.... :)

Kela and Noah played ladderball. It was a hit with some other kids out there too. As a matter of fact, the park was soooooo crowded, I thought we weren't going to find parking and have to go home.

Since Michelle was going to be a part of our family soon, we had to introduce her to Bocce.

She fell in love with the game quickly, but really....why wouldn't she? It's Italian, and she already has shown that she loves Italian things...look at the Italian stallion next to her. ;)

Always a serious competition!

Always a serious dispute!

Always serious fun...or just serious! LOL

Well, the losers had to sit out for the next game....

And, of course, the old folks had to jump in the game...

...and basically show them how it's done. Yes, we won!!!! Sorry kids!


Leigh This Way said...

I don't see anything wrong with skipping church to spend time with family. Most of the time when Preston's family comes to visit or we visit them, we just go to sacrament meeting (if that) cause we rarely get to see each other. Call use slack too then! =)

House of Squitty said...

You're so creative, I can't get over Frankie's basket!