Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dad Vs. Frankie

6 June 2011

After the Memorial Day competition (and Frankie losing by a breath), Frankie challenged his Dad to a one-on-one smack down on his turf (Santa Fe). He was averaging a 200 for the day (he played 5 games with Brandon), and his high was a 243. He was pretty confident that he would clean house. This is in response to the question, "Who do think will win? Frankie's bowling pretty good." Dad is giving that look like, "REALLY?! You asked that question?" Hahaha!! My hubby never goes into a game thinking he is going to lose!

The first game didn't look too good for Frankie. What happened to that 200 average??? Well, his dad answers that question easily. He tells him that he always bowls higher with other people, because he doesn't have the pressure of him being in his head. And, you know...that's pretty much been true in their competitions. Frankie does great around others, but when his dad shows's a whole 'nother story.

The second game......Frankie just got worse! Are you kidding me? Barely breaking a 100???? Dad just thinks this is tooooo easy!

Third game: more of the same...beat down from dad!

*Frankie and Brandon have their own bowling balls, and their dad decided to buy one this night too. He calls it his "Captain America" ball. Honestly, it should be called the "Trash Talker" because that would be fitting since my hubby did that ALL night!

Frankie decided to bowl one last game by himself on a different lane to see if it would make a did. However, it wasn't against his daddy. Point established. It was his 9th game of the day, though. That has to mean something. :)

Update: They went back the following week and played 9 straight games...FRANKIE WON!!! ....finally! ;)


Anonymous said...

I won 7 out of the 9. And we played last night too. I won 4 out of 5 games

Marina said...

WooHoo!!!! I think you've finally turned the corner! :)